Comments 437

Re: Sony Will Have More PS5 Presentations This Year, Sources Say


The copium is out of control, people saying there’ll be a second showcase, Days Gone 2 in development and Sony reportedly buying CD Projekt Red…

None of this is true, it is what it is, people are having a hard time accepting that Sony had a disappointing showcase and are trying to make up for it literally coming up with rumors out of nowhere, who could seriously think that after waiting more than 600 days to make a showcase they would hold the major announcements until later in the year? It’s nonsense.

Re: Rumour: Naughty Dog's Troubled The Last of Us Multiplayer PS5 Project Was Sniped by Bungie


@get2sammyb I agree, and it isn’t like Naughty Dog has no experience into making multiplayer games, Uncharted 2, 3, 4 and TLOU had pretty great multiplayer modes, so i just don’t get that after 3 years of full development they’re basically pausing development because a newly acquired studio suggested it, wasting almost half the generation into a game that just won’t come out and honestly maybe never will.

Re: Rumour: Naughty Dog's Troubled The Last of Us Multiplayer PS5 Project Was Sniped by Bungie


This f***ing obsession with live-service games will be the downfall of PlayStation.

All of this reminds me to Marvel’s Avengers, where Square Enix forced Crystal Dynamics (a studio renowned in making single-player games) into making a live-service multiplayer game, and we know how that turned out with a big failure and even Square selling off Crystal Dynamics for scraps.

Let that be a lesson to Sony, don’t force your studios into making something they’re not familiar with or even uncomfortable making it, 3 years of development time is HUGE waste of Naughty Dog’s time, at this rate we’ll be lucky if we get a single game from them in the entire generation, which is beyond disappointing.

Re: PlayStation Showcase Completely Divided Fan Opinion


It was bad as a PlayStation Showcase, made even worse by the fact that we haven’t got a showcase in nearly 2 years, and after all that time we wanted to see what PS Studios is working on but what they showed from their own studios was by far the most disappointing thing about the event with 3 generic-looking multiplayer live service games aside from Spider-Man 2.

It would’ve been okay as a Summer Game Fest presentation as honestly the most interesting stuff outside of Spider-Man 2 were third-party games and it’s quite interesting that the people more satisfied with the showcase are actually players from other platforms such as PC and Xbox.

Re: Reaction: Sony Flubs First Proper PS5 Presentation in Over 18 Months


@MoorePs5 Lol of course not, we waited 18 MONTHS for this only for them to say the real showcase is happening later in the year? Don’t be so naive.

Besides, this is branded as “PS Showcase 2023” meaning it’s most likely the only planned for this year, this was it, this was the big one, if you expect more you’re going to get even more disappointed.

Re: Reaction: Sony Flubs First Proper PS5 Presentation in Over 18 Months


They single-handedly destroyed the excitement you got when watching the PS Studios logo, 3 out of 4 games were generic-looking multiplayer games as a service announced with a CGI.

This is exactly the thing I feared when they said they’re going to be investing 60% on live service games, only I didn’t expect to show its effects right now, what a terrible outlook it is after Spider-Man 2 releases.

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


It is disappointing, the single only game of PS Studios that I’m interested in is Spider-Man 2, the WORST thing about this was watching the PS Studios intro followed by a generic multiplayer game, and with yesterday’s news it’s looking really bad.

Re: Sony Aiming for At Least Two Big PS5 Exclusives Each Year Across 'Every Major Genre'


That fact that in a couple of years 60% of all PlayStation resources will be used for live service games is EXTREMELY concerning, and I’ve been saying it since they day they announced they had dozens of GaaS in development, they’re using a ton of resources into making those games instead of the single-player experiences that they’re praised for, and now we’ve gone from 4 big games per year to just 2.

And yes, we’ll still be getting some of those single-player games but with so much money going to seek out a live service cash cow there’s inevitably going to be less single-player developments, and even worse, if they have just one big hit it with a live service game I don’t doubt for a second that they’ll steer all current developments into that direction.

Forget about Xbox, Activision, or whatever, the true downfall for PlayStation could be this obsession with live service games, it’s obvious they desperately want to own a Fortnite/Warzone/Apex, but for every successful game as a service we’ve seen countless failures across the industry and they’re not learning from it at all.

Re: Another Game as a Service on PS5 Is Being Abandoned


Sony should really take note of this before investing heavily trying to find a cash cow in games as a service, specially with the recent rumors that Sony is pulling away from Deviation games and even that their game might be cancelled, l really don’t like this trend of buying unproven studios only for multiplayer games at the same time they neglect their own studios with unique ideas such as PixelOpus.

Re: Sorry, But the Drama Over Xbox's Activision Buyout Ain't Over Yet


@BeerIsAwesome That’s obviously not gonna happen, do you seriously think that after 2 years of scrutiny the regulators will allow MS to buy another publisher? Of course not.

They’ll continue to buy studios for sure, but I don’t think they’ll dare to attempt to buyout another publisher, not even a smaller one such as Ubisoft, if they do regulators would never approve it as they already got Bethesda, Activision, Blizzard and King at that point.

Re: Sorry, But the Drama Over Xbox's Activision Buyout Ain't Over Yet


Been saying this for a while, if the EU approves it then this will drag out for another year but the deal will 100% close eventually as the FTC always loses in court and I don’t doubt that MS will circumvent the CMA one way or another even if the appeal fails (there’s no way they’ll drop it if only the UK is the one opposing the merger).

Honestly at this point I wish the CMA also approved it so we’d have reach the end of this drama this month, but now it’s getting dragged out another whole year.

Re: Rumour: Next Assassin's Creed Now Apparently Sneaking into October


@Rmg0731 I disagree, Origins is by far the better of the RPG-like Assassin’s Creed, but if you didn’t like you’re going to hate Odyssey and Valhalla.

And while I actually enjoyed both Origins and Odyssey, Valhalla is so unnecessarily massive and repetitive (and the story so laughably bad if you followed the lore of the franchise) that it literally burned me out of the franchise, and then Far Cry 6 burned me out of all Ubisoft games, it really feels they’ve been releasing the same games for 10 years only changing the skins and scenery so I’m definitely done with Ubisoft until they actually make a different game.

Re: Former PlayStation Boss Saddened by PixelOpus Studio Closure


@UltimateOtaku91 I’m sorry but saying that “others have done it too” doesn’t justify it in the slightest.

This is sad because we’ve seen Sony buying tons of multiplayer studios that haven’t released a single game while at the same time they’re shutting down a studio creators of unique experiences such as Concrete Genie, it just doesn’t seem fair and proves again that resources that could’ve been used to fund single-player experiences is being spent seeking their live-service cash cow.

Re: PS5 Pro Is '100%' Happening, Says Reliable Report


I still think this is BS as it’s the same guy repeating the same thing over and over while not a single other “insider” has reported on something similar, so it’s just Tom Henderson and his “sources” claiming there’ll be a PS5 Slim with a detachable disk drive (which already sounds unlikely), a PS5 Pro and the most bizarre one a PS5 handheld that only works with remote play.

Also, there’s just absolutely no reason for a Pro system to exist this generation as it’s barely starting 3 years after launch, most games are still cross-gen, there isn’t a push for 8K as there was for 4K in 2016, PS5 hasn’t dropped in price as PS4 did in 2015-2016, it’s even gone up in every region outside the US, so a Pro system would come out at $600 or even $700 which is ridiculous and would even hurt the entire brand (remember that PS3 price reveal).

So long story short, it doesn’t make any sense and it’s BS.

Re: UK's Activision Buyout Block Prevents Microsoft from Trying Again for 10 Years


@rjejr In the US the FTC is basically irrelevant at this point because a federal court can override their decision and honestly Microsoft has more solid arguments than the FTC to win at court, so currently it all depends on the EU, if they approve it then this will drag on another year but the deal will close eventually, however if the EU blocks I can’t see Microsoft fighting all 3 regulators and winning so it’d be over.

I’m honestly tired of this, I’d take any result if that meant we’d stop hearing about this a whole other year but so far it doesn’t seem that way.

Re: A Future Dominated By Service Games Would Be 'Boring', Says PlayStation's Shuhei Yoshida


He might want to tell that to Jim Ryan, it’s honestly a bit concerning when all their recent studio purchases have been for developing multiplayer/live service games, also half of the projects that we know are currently in development are live services, and I know they’ll say that they’re not neglecting single-player games but the fact is those same resources used to make so many games as a service could’ve been used for making more single-player experiences that Sony is widely praised for.

Re: The Last of Us PC Is Not 'Naughty Dog Quality', Developer Admits


@GodofCapcom Honestly yes, if they’re not really going to commit and give PC players a good experience, why bother with this at all, they just irreversibly damaged Naughty Dog’s flawless reputation up until now and put a dent into TLOU IP right when it’s as its most popular, now every single port they make is going to be scrutinized for a good reason and the whole ‘PlayStation PC’ brand is tarnished now.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Really Is Targeting 2024 Release Date


By the title I thought that someone else also reported on this but no, it’s the very same source that’s just repeating the same thing, many other ‘insiders’ have already said they have no information regarding a Pro system and it honestly doesn’t make sense for this generation, let alone in 2024, also the remote play handheld he’s reporting on also makes little sense for me since Sony just partnered with backbone last year which accomplishes that very same thing.

So given all this I do think Tom Henderson is full of sh** regarding these rumors.

Re: UK Regulator No Longer Concerned About Activision Buyout's Impact on Console Competition


@KaijuKaiser Yes, I’ve said the same thing every time people get riled up about this because it’s true, it’s just business between companies but some people genuinely believe that MS bought ABK just to screw with PS users as if it was a personal vendetta lol.

While CoD is indeed a relevant revenue stream it’s not as important as Sony made it seem, and come on, it’s Sony we’re talking about not some indie developer, they have some of the most talented studios in the entire world and owners of one of the best FPS studio in the whole industry, I’m really looking forward to the competition Sony will eventually create, and yes I know they’ll not get to CoD levels of success right away but with the talent they have and proper support it’s definitely possible to get there over time, and who knows what will happen in 10 years, maybe MS screws the franchise and it stops being as relevant as it’s today, literally everything can happen.

Re: Sony Has Approximately $5 Billion Left for Acquisitions and Investments


@Tharsman But companies never get acquired at the current market cap, Sony would need to offer a premium price in order to convince investors which would result in 7 to 9 billion.

For context, when Microsoft announced the acquisition of ABK their market cap was around 50 billion and they’re buying it for nearly 70 billion, so they were paying an almost 40% premium for it, I’d imagine that Square Enix investor would want a 30% premium at least resulting in 7 billion which currently Sony doesn’t have (they could still get 51% of it tho).

Re: Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda Set to Step Down This Summer


This is the best news for Square Enix, clearly the last 10 years have not been very good, specially in the last couple of years they’ve taken so many baffling decisions.

However, I do think that Sony will announce SE acquisition once the ABK deal goes through, there are way too many hints that it’s actually gonna happen.