Comments 437

Re: Forspoken Dev Luminous Productions Will Soon Be No More as It's Folded into Square Enix


This is essentially them axing the studio, and yes, it was expected at this point, FFXV was a development hell from start to finish (and they didn’t even finished it), Forspoken was a last ditch effort for the studio to show what they’re capable of but it flopped so hard that it’s currently been 2 weeks at half the price, not even a month after launch.

I guess this also means dropping the Luminous engine for good, and that’s probably the best news about this as it never really worked out.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Atomic Heart?


Played for 5 hours but not anymore, the game is simply not enjoyable, it has good graphics but every aspect of the gameplay is clunky, and while the story seems interesting the dialogue is borderline unbearable. Crispy critters everyone!

Re: Xbox Series X|S Is Getting Trounced by PS5, Microsoft Weirdly Reveals


@stvevan On that I agree, don’t even dare to raise some questions about Game Pass as you’ll get swarmed in seconds, but honestly every community has its radical users.

I just felt this article unusually ‘salty’ compared to what we normally read on this site and made worse by the fact that so many people are being very ‘passionate’ about this, and I really don’t understand why, yes Activision is a massive publisher and Microsoft is gaining a lot by buying them but Sony is a juggernaut in the gaming industry as this data shows and they will be totally fine without Activision as their partner.

Re: Xbox Series X|S Is Getting Trounced by PS5, Microsoft Weirdly Reveals


@awp69 Exactly, I’m disappointed in Push Square for not only engaging in this toxic discussion but actively encouraging it, they are writing this as if Microsoft buying Activision was a personal battle against Sony and their fans but it’s not, this acquisition is far more than Call of Duty I’m surprised no one has even mentioned King or mobile gaming once in all this discussion.

As I said in another comment, stop taking this too damn personal, Activision wanted to be acquired, if it wasn’t Microsoft it’d have been someone else, and I’m SURE that if Sony had the resources they’d have bought ABK and people here would be celebrating it, but since it ended up being Sony’s main competitor people here make it seem as if they’re about to destroy gaming for everyone, just look at this data, you can rest easy that Sony will be fine even after the deal is closed.

Re: Rumour: PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for February 2023 Possibly Leaked Early


This would be an excellent addition.

However I’m worried about sales for Horizon, they never disclosed any sales numbers as they did with Ragnarök, the game was heavily discounted just a few months after launch and it’s now getting into PS Plus…

I fear the sales numbers for this might be way worse than we think, which is a shame as it is a really good game, can’t wait for DLC (hopefully it isn’t $29.99 as was rumored).

Re: PSVR2's Packaging Doubles as a Handy Storage Box


Sorry but I really don’t feel any hype whatsoever for this, I had the first one and I really tried to liked it but I couldn’t, aside from the janky setup and overall quality from the first-gen I just didn’t feel compelled enough to play in VR, sure the first time felt amazing and there’s a few games that are impressive such as Astro Bot, but it quickly became a gimmick or a ‘party trick’ so to speak.

Also, why did Sony dropped handhelds entirely if the Vita managed to sell almost 20 million units but stuck with VR when the first one only managed to sell 5 million?

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Be Worried by Live Service Implosion?


I know the point that some of you have made that Sony only need one of these live-service games to be successful however you’re missing the ton of resources that will be wasted in all the other games that don’t reach their desired level of success, we’re talking about hundreds of millions of dollars which could’ve been invested in single-player experiences that have positioned Sony where they’re right now, and even if they make 20, 30 or 50 live-service games there’s no guarantee that a single one of those games will be their Fortnite or Warzone.

Re: PS5 Shipments Eclipse 32.1 Million Units, with Huge Year Ahead


Why is there people changing this conversation into throwing s*** at the competition instead of celebrating Sony’s (deserved) achievements?

It’s almost as if you can’t celebrate without bashing everyone else that isn’t PlayStation for some reason, every single brand has its highs and lows, there’s very good things about Nintendo as there’s many good thing about Xbox also, I honestly feel that all of them are in such good position that it’s worth to have the 3 consoles as in the seventh generation, remember that more competition is always better for everyone.

Re: Actual Size PS5 Spotted Being Installed in Dubai


@KidBoruto Why everyone keeps repeating this?
The Activision drama has nothing to do with the announcements from any company, it hasn’t stopped Sony for doing multiple States of Play, it hasn’t stopped Microsoft from having a big showcase in June and the Direct a week ago, and it hasn’t stop Activision from making announcements and market CoD like crazy…

If Sony wanted to do a showcase they’d have done it already, there’s no point in withholding information as regulators already know everything (for instance they already knew about Hi-Fi Rush’s existence and exclusivity).
My guess is that there hasn’t been a showcase because there’s not much first-party stuff upcoming soon, so far we only have Spider-Man 2, Horizon expansion and VR titles coming from PS Studios (maybe with TLOU multiplayer thrown in there), and since Sony no longer announces games several years in advance they don’t see the point of doing a major showcase right now as most announcements would be for 2024 games and beyond.

Re: Actual Size PS5 Spotted Being Installed in Dubai


@Fight_Teza_Fight People have been saying that for a year and we’re still waiting.

I honestly don’t think so, we may get a State of Play soon but I don’t think we’ll see a showcase until late 2023 if it happens at all.

Re: Activision Blizzard Exec Says Last of Us HBO Proves Microsoft Acquisition Should Go Ahead


@TommyNL Sony has been saying to EU regulators that Microsoft is unwilling to offer parity in their 10-year deal which is kinda hypocrite since they’ve been paying Activision to not offer parity with the Xbox version and make some exclusive content for PlayStation, but more importantly, that statement is just not true as MS has been crystal clear in offer parity with every platform (including Nintendo and Steam) and even willing to let Sony put CoD in PS Plus, so that’s just a lie.

I’m not going to engage in the debate of whether Microsoft should be allowed to buy ABK or not cause I genuinely don’t care, I’m just saying it’s an ongoing s***show for every party involved with all the straight-up lies and stupid arguments such as this.

Re: Sony's MLB The Show 23 Costs $70 on PS5, Nothing on Xbox Game Pass


@Fight_Teza_Fight 80% only with physical copies when it’s known Xbox players have mostly adopted digital purchases and in a region where PlayStation is overall much stronger than Xbox, honestly that metric isn’t a valid comparison, and yes, Game Pass may be a factor into lower sales for some games, but it’s nowhere near what you’re implying.

Re: Poll: Was The Last of Us - Episode 3 the Best One Yet?


I’m gonna say it, Bill (and Frank’s) story is FAR superior in the show that in the game, it genuinely had me crying multiple times.

For anyone trying to hate on this over some “woke” BS just remember this was already heavily implied in the game and it’s represented just beautifully in the show, showing once again that this story is about the amazing characters on it, not the zombies.

And we still have left to see Henry and Sam’s storyline 🥲

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Co-Developer Studio Gobo Joins Guerrilla Games on Horizon Series


@Constable_What I think the problem with both games is that characters other than Aloy are just not interesting at all, and the structure of side-missions is tedious as most are obnoxiously long with chores in multiple locations, couple that with the story of that mission not being at all interesting and honestly you end up bored after doing a couple of them.

I got the platinum for both games but I’m still missing almost all of the side-missions as I literally can’t get into them without getting bored.

Re: Preview: Forspoken on PS5 Feels Like a Weird Tech Demo


@ShogunRok Yeah, seeing it as a concept (or demo) rather than a full game definitely makes more sense, it’s so weird that Sony has cared enough to pay for 2 years of exclusivity and marketing when the game seems to be from average to just bad.

Re: Round Up: Forspoken's Divided Reviews Make for Some Rough Reading


I will give it a chance once it hits $30 bucks or less, it might not be that bad but with these reviews and the non-existent hype for the game it’s gonna drop crazy fast.

Also it doesn’t help that the first half of the year is absolutely stacked with games that look waaaay more promising than this, Dead Space, Hogwarts Legacy, Atomic Heart, Jedi Survivor, Horizon Burning Shores, Redfall, Forza, Zelda, FFXVI, and more; by the time I can get to Forspoken it will be already half the price lol.

But a question has to be asked, what the heck did Sony see in this game to pay 2 full years of exclusivity?

Re: Forspoken PS5 Demo to Be Updated with New Features, Bug Fixes


Everything about this game is surrounded by irrational hate and negativity, they release a demo of an unfinished game that inherently will have some issues: BAD, they patch the demo to bring it closer to the final release: BAD.

And the game isn’t even that bad, yes some of the dialogue is awful and the engine is still a mess as it was with FFXV (which unlike the majority I really enjoyed my time with that game), but the traversal in Forspoken is fun, the combat once you get the hang of it is also fun, the story has the potential to be quite deep and overall it does look good, I don’t understand why people think that if a game isn’t a masterpiece then it’s automatically trash, same thing happened with Sonic Frontiers, yes the game isn’t perfect, yes it has some technical issues, but the game is FUN, which is more than I can say for many other games (ehem Callisto).

Re: Poll: Share Your First Thoughts on The Last of Us TV Series


It is AMAZING! I cried again even when I already knew what was going to happen ):

The small changes they did actually serves the story very well and I got goosebumps when some of the very same dialogue from the game made its way to the show.

10/10. Best videogame adaptation and another HBO classic.

Re: Assassin's Creed Mirage Doubles Down on Being a Traditional Assassin's Creed Game


And I double down on not being interested in it at all lol.

AC Valhalla literally burned me out of the franchise, and knowing that Basim is the protagonist (imo one of the worst characters of the entire franchise with a frankly absurd storyline) I couldn’t care less, and it seems I’m not the only one since the hype for it seems to be non-existent.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - God of War Ragnarok


@Mega-Gazz It’s completely unrealistic to expect them to reinvent the franchise with every single entry, if games that “don’t advance the medium” are not even worth to be considered Game of the Year then you’re basically saying 90% of games are trash, for me any game’s main goal should be to be fun, and Ragnarök is tons of fun with its gameplay (much more than Elden Ring) while also having one of the best narratives ever in a videogame, so if that’s not worth of being considered for GOTY then nothing is…