Comments 437

Re: Helldivers 2 Hype Continues, More Concurrents Than Every PlayStation PC Port Combined


This shows Sony two very important things:

  • A simultaneous launch on PS5 and PC can definitely make a game more successful.
  • Smaller games (not AAA blockbusters) can be wildly successful too.

And I’d also say this also proves that Sony didn’t need Bungie to come up with an actually good live service game, let’s hope Sony learns all they can from from this, and congrats for Arrowhead for absolutely shattering expectations!

Re: Rumour: Xbox Has Considered Microsoft Flight Simulator, Gears of War, and DOOM for PS5


@AdamNovice Absolutely not, you seriously can’t have the expectation that now every Xbox title will come to PlayStation after all they said, sure, there may be more than 4 in the future but Phil Spencer was clear, if there’s no appetite for these games or this strategy end up hurting Xbox they’ll pull the plug, this is hopium on another level and shame on Push Square on reporting baseless rumors hours after we got an event denying previous baseless rumors.

Re: Rumour: Even More Xbox Exclusives Coming to PS5 Than Already Reported


@flawse As I said, having games released on other platforms is fine, but to get to the point where anything is exclusive will only diminish the brand to the point it’s not worth selling a console anymore, thus making Sony the only player in the high-end console market allowing them to set the prices and conditions they want as there wouldn’t be an alternative.

Re: Rumour: Even More Xbox Exclusives Coming to PS5 Than Already Reported


@MrMagic As I said it’s not a success, I’d even say the performance is disappointing comparing it to the Xbone but it’s still far from being a flop, if you want to see a flop take a look to the Wii U, Virtual Boy, Dreamcast or PS Vita; which is why this is even more baffling, you didn’t see Sony giving up when the PS3 didn’t do well initially nor Nintendo having their worst financial crisis with the Wii U, both companies held and bounced back, but Microsoft, the most valuable company in the world as of last week, is giving up in their gaming ecosystem after spending $75 Billion dollars, I don’t get it.

Re: Rumour: Even More Xbox Exclusives Coming to PS5 Than Already Reported


@Xbox_Dashboard The thing is Xbox isn’t flopping that hard, sales are better than the Dreamcast and they just acquired tons of IPs and talent (the ones they didn’t lay off), sure they’re not having Sony’s success but it’s still far off of being a flop and yet they’re just giving up on their whole ecosystem, frankly it’s baffling what’s going on there.

Re: Rumour: Even More Xbox Exclusives Coming to PS5 Than Already Reported


Phew, what a way of effectively killing their own platform, and don’t get me wrong, I own all 3 consoles so to me it’s perfectly fine that more people get to play good games but with this move there’s no reason to get a console that’ll get fewer games as neither Sony or Nintendo will stop having exclusives, which will trickle down into less third-party support (the ones that MS couldn’t buyout) and just less interest in the platform leaving us with just Sony and Nintendo in the console space.

And while it may sound like a good outcome for some fanboys it absolutely isn’t, can you imagine how Sony will behave having absolute control of the high-end console market? They’re already abusive being the dominant player but being the only one with no direct competition is downright terrifying.
Honestly overall as a console player I’m worried, both for my library of owned Xbox games and the future of the console space, I really REALLY don’t want to switch to PC but consoles are about to take a big hit.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Wins Big in PS Blog Awards, Including PS5 Game of the Year


@CharlieChooChoo @danzoEX I also had a very buggy experience, more than any other first-party game since Days Gone to be honest, I’m beginning to think that the game could’ve used a couple more months in the oven but they rushed to get on time for the holidays, that’s why they had to delay the NG+ update even further, it’s not like it was unplayable or anything but it was noticeable the game was not quite ready.

Re: Sony Officially Confirms PS5 Has Passed the 50 Million Units Milestone


@get2sammyb We all get it but then why reveal Wolverine in 2021 if it was so far off? (I won’t say more but it’s not coming soon).

I think we really need a showcase even if all they talk about is games for 2025 and beyond as I already assume that 2024 won’t have anything major coming from PS Studios, with all this live service crap we need reassurance that the studios we know and love are working in the type of games they excel at, if it turns out that Sucker Punch or Guerrilla have been losing time trying to pull off a GaaS same as Naughty Dog I’m going to be extremely disappointed.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


Well at least the studio is now free to fully focus on their next game (TLOU 3 or new IP), but to say that Naughty Dog’s output this generation so far has been disappointing would be an understatement.

Hopefully this makes Sony understand that studios who specialize in single-player games shouldn’t shift to a live service model, and also that not all multiplayer experiences should be built as live services.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Fans Miffed After Apparent Snubbing at The Game Awards


Discourse on Twitter is wild right now, people comparing the cinematic action gameplay to Baldur’s turn-based mechanics to make it seem ‘bad’ as if both games were the same genre and combat was the sole thing that makes up a game, I don’t even know why people are being so bitter towards Baldur’s since SM2 wouldn’t have won against Zelda or Alan Wake 2 either imo.

Re: What Was Announced at The Game Awards 2023?


@UltimateOtaku91 I honestly don’t even want to compare them to what Microsoft is doing, I only focus about what Sony themselves have in store for 2024 and so far is lacking, I understand that sometimes dev cycles simply don’t align well but the lack of communication coupled with a bad showcase does not raise expectations at all.

Re: What Was Announced at The Game Awards 2023?


@ChrisDeku Jeez, so instead of calling out Sony for not having single first-party game confirmed for 2024 you somehow choose to bash Microsoft because they’ve announced games too early? Did you remember that Sony did the same thing last generation?

Also why did you hand picked that list? Where’s Forza Horizon 5, Psychonauts 2, Pentiment, Hi-Fi Rush, Redfall or Starfield?
Sure, some of those aren’t as high profile as Sony exclusives but those are still first-party games that released this gen nonetheless.

I don’t understand why you have to cope with Sony’s lacking with whatever Xbox is doing or not, let’s just forget about Microsoft entirely and focus on the issue at hand which is the lack of PlayStation games for 2024, it’s the first year since more than a decade ago that we just haven’t a single high-profile game from Sony announced for next year, you can make the argument for Rise of the Ronin but that’s a second party, a game developed by Koei Tecmo with some funding from Sony and even if it looks good it’s nowhere near the high-profile exclusives we’ve come to expect from PlayStation, if you really like the brand/console you should demand them better when lacking not excusing by essentially saying “but Xbox…”

Re: What Was Announced at The Game Awards 2023?


@Ralizah Rise of the Ronin and FFVII Rebirth are not first-party games from Sony, in fact this show made me even more concerned about the lineup for 2024, I mean seriously what would Sony have if they didn’t have the exclusivity for Final Fantasy?

Re: Poll: Was The Game Awards 2023 Worth Watching?


Just fine, and it was nice to get a surprise release for God of War’s DLC, however I’m now very concerned with Sony’s lineup for 2024, we didn’t get a single announcement for a first-party game, not even Death Stranding 2 which I was fully expecting to be further revealed for 2024.

Re: Sony Reversing PSN Account Bans, Still Hasn't Offered an Explanation


@Dragon83 You got confused, I was talking about the 30% price increase for PS+ that went live a couple of months ago, the 30% they take on their storefront is fine since it’s a standard across the industry.

However the controversy surrounding their storefront is that it’s not fine being the single distributor of digital content for the platform, which is why they have an ongoing lawsuit in the UK and I’m glad for it because we need an open market for digital content, nowadays you can get Xbox and Nintendo games and subscriptions for cheaper in several sites outside their own storefronts, for example I get 3 months of Game Pass Core (which turns into 2 months of Ultimate) for around $10 USD, much cheaper that buying it directly from Microsoft, but if I want PS+ I need to pay the price that Sony determines as there’s no other way to get it, I used to get cheaper PS+ this way but since last year they no longer allow it and the only way to pay for it is via the PS Store with those abusive prices, that’s why I’m not renewing any tier ever again.

And yet, I’ve also read people bashing the UK government for suing Sony when it’s clear that Sony is the one screwing with their customers by limiting our options…

Re: It's Utter Domination for PS5 in Europe as Xbox Continues to Lose Significant Ground


@Nem No, we wouldn’t be fine, Nintendo isn’t a direct competitor for PlayStation, they made it quite clear during the FTC trials and with every other regulator, so if Microsoft were to get out of the console market it’d allow Sony to have absolute dominance over the market and that’s just not a good thing, they could set abusive conditions for both developers and consumers alike, they’d be able to price their hardware and software as high as possible since there’d be nothing to compare it with, and of course it’d make Sony more complacent as they wouldn’t have to launch banger games to attract users.

It blows my mind how many people legitimately don’t know or care how important it is to have strong competition in any market…

Re: Sony Takes Control of UK as PS5 Climbs to 51% Market Share


@Intr1n5ic Are we really going to justify a “light” year in first-party games with overpriced hardware that is mostly irrelevant to a vast majority of PS players?
Come on, it feels exactly the same as when Xbox fans used to excuse the lack of games with new controller designs…

  • VR2 hardware is cool but it’s basically abandoned by Sony with just one single first-party game for it, sales show that the vast majority of PS5 users don’t care about it and personally I think it’s too expensive and not enough games for it.
  • PS Portal is one of the oddest things Sony has ever done and while I understand its use case it could’ve had so much more potential.
  • Dualsense Edge again could’ve been a great product but it’s overpriced and battery life incredibly poor.
  • I don’t think anyone gets excited about getting headsets.
  • Spider-Man 2 is unquestionably a massive Win, also HFW’s DLC was good, I understand that other games were just not ready to come out yet but the showcase failed to make us excited for the future lineup.
  • Absolutely no one is excited about those acquisitions, in fact it makes me more wary as they kept buying studios only to pump live-service games.
  • And finally, don't you think every console maker is striving to sell as many consoles as possible? You nearly listed the price increase for PS+ as a W for Sony…

And yes, of course I understand games take a long time to develop, MS has been heavily criticized for years about not having enough games each year and they are barely catching up, so if I complaint about MS all these years for not having enough games I don’t get why I can’t do the same for Sony when they had a lacking year.
Also, that doesn’t excuse the terrible showcase we had back in May where they didn’t show any single-player game from PS Studios other than SM2, instead we had a glimpse of the push for live-service games which honestly looks extremely unappealing to me.

They’re being complacent, there’s is no getting around it, but we can either try to excuse them coming up with the hardware they launched instead of games or demanding Sony to do better either launching or announcing more games or not overpricing their hardware and services, anyone who isn’t a fanboy would choose the latter.

Re: The First Photos of the PS5 Slim Are Circulating Online


It really looks like a cheap knockoff from Wish and AliExpress, the exposed cable of the fan in the top looks almost as a design flaw, the disk drive bulge is ridiculous and the included “stand” is a really bad joke.

I know this isn’t targeted for the people who already owns a PS5 but people who get this model are getting a worse product for the same price as the OG, plus it now requires an internet connection to use the disk drive even if you buy the model with the disk drive included so there goes being able to play just out of the box and making physical media more worthless.

Re: Bungie the Next PlayStation-Owned Dev to Suffer Layoffs


@Tr3mm0r If you aren’t a 5 y/o fanboy then I don’t get you, who’s saying all the people they laid off had limited contracts that expired at the same time? Did you say the same about the laid offs at several other companies including Microsoft?

Every single time there’s big laid offs it should be condemned and criticized, a company shouldn’t be able to spent billions acquiring companies only to fire their employees months later, and yes, including Zenimax and Activision Blizzard, when that eventually happens (cause it will happen) I’m going to complain all the same.