Comments 203

Re: Marvel's Avengers Will Rework War Table in PS5, PS4 Patch Next Week


@Northern_munkey Actually no, the game was an embarrassment and performed well below expectations. Continue to defend all you like but facts are facts. I’m not even a hater, I wanted the game to be good but all the warning signs were there and glad I saved my money. People like you love to defend poor games and just conclude that anyone with criticism towards it is just a ‘hater’.

Re: Battlefield 2042 Could Potentially Go Free-to-Play After Poor Performance on PS5, PS4


I'm gutted I paid extra to play early, what an absolute waste of money. I just play Halo daily now, refreshing to play a mutliplayer FPS that runs great without any serious glitches (in my experience). BF2042 was riddled was issues, the stray bullets issue at launch was unforgiveable. Everyone was running around with SMGs because they were the only weapon type that could shoot straight, embarrassing.