Comments 133

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Ending?


Absolute trash, so much so that I'm going to skip the third part of the game. Nothing like being told "let's change fate and destiny" over and over again only to have the ***** end plot giving you the exact same childhood trauma but this time in 4K and a bloody PhD to understand it.

This is why Nomura should've stayed in designs where he belongs instead of attempting to write a story. Such an insult the OG plot.

Not everything needs to be a ***** Kingdom Hearts

Re: Rumour: Watch Dogs Is Dead, and Legion Reportedly Killed It


As usual, Ubisoft once again misread their players on what we wanted in a Watch Dogs game. They are first and foremost still a character driven story. Watch Dogs 1 and 2 were a commercial success because the players care about what happened to both Aiden and Marcus.

Legion removed this character-driven stories in favour of a gameplay that wasn't even that good to begin with. I had my time with Legion but I honestly can't remember what I did in it or how it went. On the contrary, I can still recite Aiden and Marcus stories if I wanted to.

No loss. Ubisoft has been flailing and flailing recently, I can't wait to hear and cheer about their bankruptcy.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Rise of the Ronin?


It serves what it attempted to do well enough but that's it. A very safe game following a very safe open-world mechanic without introducing anything new or mind blowing. Is it fun though? absolutely. Splitting your enemies in two with a nodachi never gets old.

The best open world game of 2013.

Re: Documentary Details the Creation of PS5's Critically Acclaimed Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


@Orochilocka I answered this before and I'm still surprised people can't see why most are hating on Rebirth's open world checklist.

Rebirth is a lazy attempt at open world designed with a closed-world map mindset. You can only climb where you are told, you can only glide when you are told, and your ex warrior superhuman still can't jump a short distance to go to a tower so he had to circle around a short cliff that was jumpable by any normal human standard.

Square Enix created a pretty good open world with FF15, but Rebirth was just a lazy attempt at recreating that with their arbitrary invisible walls. Open world doesn't work with Rebirth traversal and it's only frustrating.

Open World works with RoR and any AC games because they did give the freedom of exploration with their traversal. In an era where true open world games like Tears of the Kingdom and Xenoblade Chronicles exist, Rebirth was just a sorry excuse to pad the short story in order to earn more money.

Re: Documentary Details the Creation of PS5's Critically Acclaimed Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


"And on this episode, we're going to outline how we made our players believe they can change fate and destiny by keep repeating that phrase in our marketing. But at the end of the game, we decided to kill off Aerith anyway so nothing change. We'll still give you your childhood trauma but this time in 4K and a PhD to understand our mess of a multiverse plot. Oh we'll make this another Kingdom Hearts mess and a worse graphic than Remake. Also here's Chadwick"

Trash game.

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 Slated for Adding Sinister PS5 Microtransactions at Launch


"Obviously, the cost of making games is increasing, and you don’t need to invest in any of these items to enjoy the outing"

It's funny that this site didn't use this kind of sentiment when SEGA and ATLUS showed their DLC package with Persona 3 Reload and Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth but just outright bashed them. Biased article is the worst.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?


@Giggleshot the different is AC series gives you the freedom of movement in their open world games and that's why it works.

Square Enix lazy and horribly designed open world restricts your movements every single time with arbitrary invisible walls and single points of climbing. Hell the stupid EX soldier still can't jump in 2024. It's an "open world" designed with single player restricted map movements because they can't do open world right and it's just frustrating how much it turned this otherwise great series into garbage.

FF7 never need any of these. Just give us the great series we loved back then and focus on that. Remake got it right, but Rebirth is what happened when they lost sight on what made the series great in the first place.

But lesson learned, I'll skip the next game and just watch the new ending from YouTube or something because Square clearly has lost their passion for storytelling with Rebirth and trading it for bloated trash in the name of money.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?


6.5. Great new combat mechanics and great story, ruined by bloated mini-game trash and the open world map that was so poorly designed that your EX soldier still can't jump or climb anywhere in 2024. So much so that he had to walk around the cliff to find a different route just to go to a tower that was literally a jump away for any normal human.

And whomever designed Gongaga Jungle needs to die in a fire.

What an embarrassing and lazy attempts at an open world when games like Tears of the Kingdom and Xenoblade Chronicles exist.

Re: Of Course Full Price Remake Persona 3 Reload Has a Full Spread of Day One DLC


I joined this site in 2014 but this is actually the first time I posted here due to how ridiculous this article is.

Honestly, if you're struggling to justify purchasing these OPTIONAL DLC pack, you're not the target market.

I love Persona games and these are the series I tend to spend an upward of 200 hours with. A digital deluxe edition cost me about $140 CAD after taxes, which works out for about 70c per hour. I'm fortunate enough to make way more than that and the entertainment value ratio I'm getting for this pack still significantly better than my daily coffee I purchased for work. And yes, I will absolutely double dip if they ever remake FES in P5 engine.

It's the same reason I didn't bat an eye purchasing the Digital Deluxe version of Infinite Wealth and the Digital Deluxe version of Granblue Fantasy.

Again, if you're struggling or whining about these OPTIONAL DLC pack, you're not the target market and SEGA knows it.