Comments 2,621

Re: Game of the Year: Sammy's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


Knew it had to be Genshin for you but since it didn't release this year, had to go for Honkai haha. For someone who couldn't stand Persona 5's text, there's no way you were going to survive BG3. I haven't even played it but judging from Divinity OS2, the text sometimes...arrghh, the Narrator has to hit me with 1000 lines of text just for touching a statue.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 508


@PsBoxSwitchOwner Haven't completed Iceborne because I lost my 500-600hrs 1st Save which was mainly heavy sword and insect glaive and a 120hrs thereabouts 2nd save mainly long sword and dual blades, I had my system corrupt, strangely deleted all my saves only. On a 115hrs-ish run now, mainly sword &shield, so cumulatively you could say I have around 800hrs on this hard to put down game.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Most Frustrating Glitch Has Finally Been Fixed on PS5


I think this is still present even in Divinity OS2. Where me and the group have travelled a long way only to realize the one guy is still stuck at a cliff because he all of a sudden forgot how to climb vines. How these Larian games play with all characters on the screen moving together, I think it's not gonna be fully fixed, it's bound to happen occasionally, just keep checking no one's left behind.

Re: GTA 6: Everything We Know So Far


@LiamCroft True. Articles like this gets people's attention through Google, fair enough. I think I even came here through one of those "Top 10 RPGs" articles, so yeah people need to understand the biz.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 506


Just can't get enough of Monster Hunter I had to get Rise, and I'm not even done with Iceborne. Was hesitant initially when the internet kept talking down on Rise's graphics, yet I'm impressed with the sharpness and textures. The art direction is nice in its own right, nothing bad about it. Gotta love the combat, monsters, crafting, fashion in these games, no wonder they call them fashion hunter, like fashion souls except Sekiro doesn't like fashion. Yeah so it'll be mainly Rise and Iceborne this weekend.

Re: Monster Hunter Wilds Is Happening on PS5 in 2025


@Sequel @HonestHick Trust me when it clicks, you won't be able to put down. The gameplay, combat is just superb! Try to learn crafting essential items, focus on the smithy forging new armor and upgrading weapons for you. If you just head out thinking you can win, you're gonna give up and move on to another game.

Re: Reaction: You Really Shouldn't Be Surprised Kids Want PS5, PS4 Game Currencies for Xmas


Agreed. Being a kid and getting just a few games a year, games ever evolving would've been more than money's worth. Just remembering how you could beat The Getaway on PS2 in a day, you beat it a couple more times and then the disc just sits there useless. Though games now are so huge and there's not really much time for all of them, I still prefer them to the 6hr games of the past. But I hat microtransactions on costumes and skins though! At least let's play the game and earn it not buy it.

Re: US Children Want Subscriptions and Currencies for Christmas, Not Games


Seems most of you didn't read the article. It's not saying they don't want games, it's PHYSICAL games they're not asking for. Rather, in-game currencies which could include PS Store wallet topups. They don't want grandma telling them they can't have an 18+ game so they'd rather take the credits and buy what they want.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 504


If you told me in the past I would be a big Monster Hunter fan I probably wouldn't believe, but it is what it is after our on and off relationship since 2019. Heading to 700hrs cumulative time across 3 saves, no exaggeration. I'm playing this game as much as I've played Rockstar, FromSoftware or Bethesda games. It's more MH World Iceborne for me this weekend plus any other games on the side.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 503


Went back to Sekiro to gather points to acquire those powerful skills just for fackin Sword Saint. Still roaming in AC Valhalla. Don't know where to go on Reaper's Coast in Divinity OS2, since everywhere I go it's "you're outmatched." Would like to take down a few monsters in MH World Iceborne also. Roam a bit in legendary Elden Ring, MAFIAII probably, I mean it's whatever else.