Comments 1,925

Re: Square Enix to 'Aggressively' Pursue Multiplatform Strategy from Now On


I can't imagine it does cost that much to port since the consoles are as similar with each other as they are with PC now, so it's never been easier. However, there are lots of games out there that go to PlayStation and developers forego an Xbox version by choice (i.e. without PlayStation signing any exclusivity). That is because they don't believe making a port is worth the investment. Even if they do manage to make some profit from Xbox sales, they likely have determined their resources are better spent working on the next game or whatever.

Re: Founders, Long-Time Employees Reportedly Say Xbox Now Effectively Microsoft Gaming


Xbox has no soul. IGN should know that by now. In any case, on the Sacred Symbols podcast, they mentioned ABK being a poison pill. Before that acquisition, shareholders gave zero craps about Xbox, but after that massive amount of investment in Xbox, they want a return on that investment. Phil may have gotten his victory, but now Xbox is under the microscope. The thing he thought might save Xbox as we know it certainly seems to be hastening its demise instead.

Re: 'Negative Sentiment' Prompts Helldivers 2 Dev to Put Releasing Polar Patriots to a Vote


I think it's a good thing how engaged with the community Arrowhead is, but I also think they should have just released the warbond as planned without calling any additional attention to it. It's a good idea not to cede too much power to the players, especially not to the more vocal members of the community who would be the ones more likely to participate in polling and already proved they have severe reading comprehension issues.

Re: Gaming Subs Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Aren't Growing At All


Don't they have to? They said all first party releases are day one on Game Pass. Call of Duty is first party now. It was always going to be a dumb decision because people with Game Pass would be dumb to buy Call of Duty when they already have it and others will pay $10 to play the game instead of $70. Any way you slice it, it will be a massive revenue hit, which is why ABK games were not on subscriptions before and certainly not day one.

Re: Terminids Bust Loose While Helldivers 2 Community Debates Alleged Fun Nerf


Nerfing the rover made a lot of sense because it made the guard dog obsolete. It just constantly fired and never overheated as intended. Rather than cause it to overheat, they reduced its damage by 30%. Mind you, the weapon it fires got a 15% damage buff, too, so without the damage reduction, it would have been majorly buffed. Now it does about 245 damage per second, down from 300 previously. It's still great.

Re: Terminids Bust Loose While Helldivers 2 Community Debates Alleged Fun Nerf


I thought the patch was great. They adjusted a lot of weapons in a positive way, especially two weapons I like using already (hello HMG reticle!), and they balanced other weapons like the quasar cannon, so every mission is not just full of people taking that on strategem. Arrowhead's goal of making all weapons and strategems viable is a great one and they are working towards it.

Re: Bungie to Undo Controversial 'Sunsetting' of Destiny 2 Weapons


I jumped into Destiny 2 right before The Witch Queen. The game quickly jumped to my most played game ever on Steam. I really enjoyed the game, but it got repetitive. Also, starting as a new player when I did was confusing because they locked off most of the campaign. For that reason, I had to go to YouTube to learn about the lore and things that happened before I jumped in. Destiny 2 is an incredible game, so I hope they stick the landing, but Bungie has made some very bad decisions with it along the way that I hope they learn from with their next games.

Re: Fallout 4 Next Gen Version Is Out Now on PS5, Xbox, and PC


I don't care about Fallout and care even less now that Xbox bought it for some popularity points, but I came here to applaud Push Square for FINALLY mentioning all platforms in the headline. Typically, they just mention PlayStation platforms which means their readers, like me, have to go elsewhere as well to get the full details. Nice job.