Comments 1,807

Re: Gearbox CEO Says Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Was 'Wildly Successful', Bigger Than Borderlands


Despite being a massive Borderlands fan, I waited for a HUGE sale before buying the game due to all the crap with the Epic Game Store. When I finally did buy the game, I did not really get into it because I prefer the crafted characters such as in the other Borderlands games rather than generic characters you create yourself, though I understand why they went that route. I didn't like the more simplistic classes with a focus on multi-classing, either, because it took away from each class's uniqueness. I ended up uninstalling the game and didn't play it until just recently. I must admit, I actually really liked it. It's not up to the quality of the mainline Borderlands games, but the gameplay was fun and the presentation was very good. I would definitely buy a sequel, either at launch if it launches on Steam or after a deep sale on Steam if it doesn't.

Re: Helldivers 2 Players Tasked with Restoring Interplanetary Battle Station to Full Operation


The game has major orders and personal orders. The major order usually relates to the story and is a community-wide goal. For example, there may be a major order to liberate a planet for whatever reason. Sometimes, the reason is to get a new strategem (a weapon or ability you can call upon like an air strike or a defensive turret). Other times, that major order exists simply to unfold a bit more of the story or set an event up.

Every time you successfully complete a mission, you liberate the planet a fraction of a percentage. When the planet is fully liberated, it means it's fully in Super Earth's control.

A personal order is a personal goal. Sometimes, that is something like getting 100 kills with a machine gun.

It's an incredible game. Hopefully, I helped with some of your questions.