Comments 1,807

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


Aside from Bungie, which comes off to me as a knee-jerk reaction to Xbox's buying sprees, PlayStation only purchases studios they have a history of working with and certainly never bought any publishers to gain control over game franchises that are already popular elsewhere. That is the key difference. Microsoft and Sony both do timed exclusivity deals, so no real comparison to make there.

I think there is also a difference because Xbox is out there acting like they are super pro-consumer while making these ultimately anti-consumer, industry-damaging moves. PlayStation doesn't say nearly as much as Xbox does. Phil loves the attention. The guy buys up studios and all their studios are epically mismanaged, but he says nice things and wears gaming t-shirts, so we're supposed to like him? Nah.

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


Starfield, Redfall, Hi-Fi Rush (until shareholders forced Phil's hand recently), and Hellblade 2 (the first game was on both Xbox and PlayStation). I mean they are all stinkers except Hi-Fi Rush, but PlayStation versions of at least Starfield and Redfall were canceled when "Gaming for All" Phil bought the studios, which is the point I was making. Likely, ports of those and every Xbox game will come eventually as Xbox transitions into Microsoft Gaming under the watchful gaze of shareholders finally noticing Xbox.

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


Can you imagine how much damage Microsoft/Xbox's already paper-thin reputation would take if they made Doom (or any multi-platform franchise exclusive)? It would be immense. If it's true Doom is remaining multi-platform and that was always the plan, I'll give "Gaming for All" Phil some credit because it's actually one thing he didn't lie about. The man took more games away from players than he gave to them, but after the ABK acquisition caused the eyes of the shareholders to actually look at Xbox for a change, they are forcing games to go multi-platform to grow revenue. That likely wouldn't have happened if they didn't buy ABK. Phil got his wish, but the monkey paw curled.

Re: Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Confirms PvE and PvP Multiplayer Modes


I had the collector's edition pre-ordered as soon as they went live. I really want that statue because, despite being a massive Warhammer 40K fan and statue collector, I have zero Warhammer 40K statues. I typically don't pre-order anything unless I'm really looking forward to the game and it has a substantial incentive for pre-ordering, like a statue, not knickknacks and digital items. I hope the game is good. I can always cancel my pre-order if not.

Re: Some PS5 Fans Think the Rumoured PlayStation Showcase Will Be Announced Today


PlayStation does have a lack of communication, but some, including myself, argue that is a good thing because they are doing so well without saying anything. In fact, they don't say much, so they don't get all the negative press around things they say or don't say. Phil Spencer, Sarah Bond, and Matt Booty over on Xbox get caught in lies constantly and are always out there talking out both sides of their mouths, so you see so much content out there just trying to interpret what they are saying or calling them out.

Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says


It's expected Call of Duty will launch into Game Pass and that's going to really hurt the Activision-Blizzard part of Xbox. The revenue loss will be massive, but it's what Xbox asked for. Unfortunately for Xbox, after buying ABK, Xbox is no longer a pet project and shareholders want a return on their large investment. Expect the losses to be made up elsewhere such as releasing actual Xbox games like Halo and Gears of War, etc. on other, more popular, platforms and Xbox going fully multi-platform.

Re: Sony Shipped 4.5 Million PS5's Last Quarter, Almost Five Times More Than Xbox Series X|S


These figures cement why Sony's PC strategy is vastly superior, which I have been saying from the start. They can still get some revenue from PC sales, but do not cannibalize their console sales like how Xbox does. So, if there is any wonder why Xbox is in trouble to the tune of needing to spend $80B more than Xbox has ever made over the last few years and go multi-platform, it's because they implemented a system that tanks their console sales and implemented a system that tanks their game sales.

Re: Square Enix to 'Aggressively' Pursue Multiplatform Strategy from Now On


I can't imagine it does cost that much to port since the consoles are as similar with each other as they are with PC now, so it's never been easier. However, there are lots of games out there that go to PlayStation and developers forego an Xbox version by choice (i.e. without PlayStation signing any exclusivity). That is because they don't believe making a port is worth the investment. Even if they do manage to make some profit from Xbox sales, they likely have determined their resources are better spent working on the next game or whatever.

Re: Founders, Long-Time Employees Reportedly Say Xbox Now Effectively Microsoft Gaming


Xbox has no soul. IGN should know that by now. In any case, on the Sacred Symbols podcast, they mentioned ABK being a poison pill. Before that acquisition, shareholders gave zero craps about Xbox, but after that massive amount of investment in Xbox, they want a return on that investment. Phil may have gotten his victory, but now Xbox is under the microscope. The thing he thought might save Xbox as we know it certainly seems to be hastening its demise instead.

Re: 'Negative Sentiment' Prompts Helldivers 2 Dev to Put Releasing Polar Patriots to a Vote


I think it's a good thing how engaged with the community Arrowhead is, but I also think they should have just released the warbond as planned without calling any additional attention to it. It's a good idea not to cede too much power to the players, especially not to the more vocal members of the community who would be the ones more likely to participate in polling and already proved they have severe reading comprehension issues.