Comments 1,807

Re: Xbox Has Allegedly Insisted It Won't Stop Making Consoles, As PS5 Port Rumours Mount


Don't be fooled, my friend. "Financially viable" and "profitable" are not the same thing. It's like when Fibbin' Phil said Game Pass was "sustainable." When you're a $3T company, just about anything is financially viable and sustainable. You'll keep hearing Phil say words other than "profitable" to give himself wiggle room and ambiguity without violating fiduciary obligations.

You'll see the truth soon. Game Pass is costing them so much money in lost game sales, which wipes out most of what they claim to make from Game Pass subscriptions. They have no choice but to expand to other platforms (beyond PC, which they already did and it wasn't enough).
Stay tuned.

Re: Xbox Has Allegedly Insisted It Won't Stop Making Consoles, As PS5 Port Rumours Mount


Your logic is sound, but I will also add that Game Pass itself isn't profitable even without factoring in losing game sales directly because of it. Additionally, the Bethesda purchase cost Microsoft more money than they ever made on Xbox. Now add the ABK acquisition that was 10x bigger and the need to greatly expand beyond Xbox becomes apparent.

Not only will it take 20 years or so for ABK to pay itself back, that will get worse because games that were previously not on Game Pass will be. For Microsoft, they are getting the same games they always were, so the only additional revenue they are getting is the extra 70% of a game sale they didn't get before while also incurring 100% of the cost for game development. It will take far beyond 20 years for Xbox to break even from buying ABK and Bethesda.

Re: Xbox Has Allegedly Insisted It Won't Stop Making Consoles, As PS5 Port Rumours Mount


Likely, what will happen is Xbox will be the Game Pass box. They will still keep making consoles and selling Xbox, Bethesda, and ABK games everywhere they can (which is the only way to make up for cratering game sales on Xbox). If you want Game Pass, buy an Xbox or use a PC because Nintendo and Sony are very unlikely to ever let that service cannibalize sales on their consoles, at least as long as Xbox consoles exist. If you can't be bothered with Game Pass, PlayStation will get all the games it used to get from ABK and Bethesda plus Xbox games like Halo and Gears of War. Make no mistake, Xbox console sales will dwindle even further and eventually they won't be able to justify making consoles, but they really backed themselves into a corner with Game Pass.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


I also have the same concerns. Their argument of bringing more games to more people was already hollow because they were buying companies that already made games for every platform that made financial sense for them to do so. Since regulators failed so miserably, you can rest assured they'll try the "mistreated underdog good guy" card again.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


Are we considering Bethesda and ABK games "Xbox games" for purposes of the poll? Try as they might, Microsoft will never get me to view Bethesda and ABK games that way.

On one hand, Xbox going third party makes sense given their nonsensical and reckless strategy over the past few years, but once they go third party, Xbox hardware will further drop off a cliff and, despite my belief Microsoft will state they will keep making Xboxes to give people a choice, there will quickly approach a time they cannot justify doing so anymore. That will leave PlayStation to compete with PC and Nintendo. I don't want to see complacent PlayStation again.

Prior to Microsoft going out of control with Xbox, I had a lot of respect for them because, as a PC and PlayStation gamer, I knew the better Xbox was, the better PlayStation would be. The overall industry would be better off. That was before Microsoft tried to use its immense capital to shift the business model of the industry with Game Pass and their acquisitions that are as massive as they are damaging to the industry, though.

Re: Fans Outraged at Rocksteady's Handling of Hero Deaths in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League


Nailed it here: "Everyone is entitled to their opinions, of course, but this is Rocksteady's story, and they're entitled to tell it how they like."

I end up saying something similar when silly people complain about a casting choice they don't like in a movie or a creative choice they don't agree with. The only answer is, don't spend your money on it then and/or make your own.