Comments 95

Re: Feature: Graham's PS1 Memories


Everyone has some fond memory of how they started with Sony.
I absolutely loved the original Medal of honor games.
I remember asking my history professor if there was any hint of validity to the way these games played out, and apparently there was.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for December 2024 Announced


I still don't get how we get 30+ games a year for <90$, making these 3$ rentals that last as long as you subscribe. That is if you don't weigh in the fact that the price is also to pay for servers, making these even less expensive.
The value is so insane.

Re: Kill Strain


This was a decent game, the platinum was a grind and required some serious luck but I got it. At some point I was plaging with a group, it was super fun.

Re: Doubt Cast Over PS5 Pro Actually Releasing This Year


Definitely not necessary as there are barely any PS5 games anyways and to get a decent upgrade I feel the tech required would have to be substantial.

I love my ps5 just the way it is. It looks great but it's all about the loading times. Playing games has never been this fun and addicting.

Re: Xbox Planning to Release the 'Majority' of Its Exclusives on PS5


I have never even touched an xbox controller, but no matter how garbage they were, having more options/competition is always good.
I think xbox was just fine, but I personally started with Sony and have always stuck with them. Xbox came out with a north american mentality and style that did nothing for me. Whatever exclusives they had did not interest me and most games were on both consoles, so it was an easy choice.

I will happily get the games I wanted (Hellbalde 2, Routine, Tango games, id games, etc), but in the long run there should be another entity in the market.

Nintendo is so far away from what is happening in the gaming market that it's not even funny anymore.
Something needs to happen for the good of the console future.

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