

PS fan (not that fan, but fan)

Comments 2,037

Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations


1) SE will never be happy!
2) FF16 had good story, but everything was killed by real-time battles and too many effects. In most fights I barely oriented and those uber-mega fights were just one huge effect noise. Most of times I won just by random smashing buttons, because I didn't even know what is going on.
3) FF7 remakes pretty suffered from real-time battles too. One huge chaos. And I'll never get why they cut FF7 into three pieces? I won't play it until it is complete.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


I told few days ago Sony will tag it £1000. If you add basic accessories that should be included, but are sold separately I was not so far from truth...

Re: Concord PS5, PC Scalpers Attempt to Cash In on 'Rare Collector's Item'


@riceNpea A product that is pulled from shelves begins to be special for collectors because it is piece of history. It's hugely rejected by people so it bears it's own story. It became historical proof of what humankind made wrong. These items will be relics and collectors know it.

Buying out high demand product (ps5 on release) and reselling it for higher price is pure robbing of stupid people not willing to wait. But buying out product that will never be available any more, due of it's limited produce, is parasiting because they are "robbing" chance for other people to get it normaly. These both examples are highly immoral and greedy ...and this is scalping. Buying out product, take chance from others to get it, product you'll never use personally, only for making money on reselling it for higher price.
Stupidity of people buying from scalpers is different story.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Scalpers Attempt to Cash In on 'Rare Collector's Item'


@riceNpea They are scalpers because they are scalping you of your money, for limited product they buyout, or (in this case) product that will soon became limited. In other words: Scalpers are those ****erfu***ers who parasite on special items/events they didn't made only because they have money and ordering bots.

Re: Internal Sony Fairgame$ Chatter Is Reportedly Quite Positive


If Sony didn't understand Concord Message it may be time to send Fair Game Message there will be no $.

Seriously, it will be very interresting to see how Concord Message affected gaming industry. If it was more about "modern audience" tag rejection or rather whole GaaS rejection. One way or another this game is on choping block already.

I personally have below zero interest in GaaSes and I'm against releasing any new ones.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@get2sammyb "However, I think the company's decision to axe this game in two weeks signals a much bigger issue: how did this game ever make it to market with this being the outcome?"

They selfishly thought people will still buy it. They always put zero weight onto gamers opinions, because they think we, who disagree, are tiny minority.

Whole problem of Sony is their desperate chase for another milking cow (GaaS) sacrificing what is vital fo them (singleplayer). They followed voice of Syrene...

It is complete nonsense singleplayer games are more expensive and takes too long to make. Assassin's Creed were released every year and sell like bread. No one needs dozens of 200+ hours long games, but dozens of simple fun games even if they are 40 hours long.

They should calm down everybody (devs) and stop thinking that their game MUST be bigger than others. Quantity doesn't mean quality!

Focus on fun, not on "it must fit to everybody" and money. When there is love, money comes. When there is chasing something, money leaves.

Gaming world needs to take a break and breathe for a while...

Re: Concord Devs Maintain Radio Silence, Which Isn't Helping Matters


Current state of worldwide gaming is pretty serious material for research. Someone should sit and make overall summary of it. Count everything and put it together. That should give us, and especially developers, a picture on which we can seriously predict future projects. Or did it somebody in last, let's say, 3 years?

Re: Vampire Survivors Has a Whopping 221 Trophies to Collect on PS5, PS4


Ohh I have so bitter taste on my tongue... It is not fault of game, but AGAIN fault of PS5. If you unlock more than 3 trophies at once, you get just one pop-up. So on second run I've been robbed of 13 trophy dings. Thank you Sony! You always know how to ruin the fun... 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬