

PS fan (not that fan, but fan)

Comments 2,037

Re: Embracer Group Reportedly Closes Alone in the Dark Developer Pieces Interactive


Alone in the Dark (1992) is way older than Resident Evil (1996) so I don't understand that constant comparison.

However... Back to this remake or reboot or whatever you call it. Yes, it is sad, lots of people loose job, but on the other hand look at reviews. Lots of technical flaws on release. Isn't that sign people simply have enough of unfinished games on release??? Yes, there will always be idiots who buy day one or even pre-order in this dark ages of incompleteness. But lots of customers just wait, because they want something unbroken for their money.

This is fault on both sides.
Embracer shouldn't make resumes on basis of few months if they know product is broken.
Pieces simply shouldn't release broken game.

Re: Valorant Is Another Free PS5 FPS with a Rubbish Trophy List


Platinum trophy should be granted to those, who completed game and everything it contains.

Because FtP and GaaSes don't have whole content available in game from beginning, they shouldn't have Platinum.

Also developers don't understand how it works and rather than making trophies about exploration, collections and completions, they rather make trophies about meaningless grinding and repeating.

Re: Big Elden Ring Update Adds New Features and Adjusts Balance Ahead of DLC's Release


@B0udoir I'm singleplayerist so I never think about invitations (I don't like actual people play my game). Yes DS is "not so" open world and it sometimes feels frustrating to repeat location from last waypoint, but on the other hand you can more predict action of enemy and simply avoid hits. Enemies also almost don't have thrust attacks, where they jump to your face from long distance in blink of an eye. ER gives me constant feel that enemies have unnatural accuracy and swiftness which makes me feel hugely underpowered. Not as much as in Bloodbourne, but still a lot. Of course talking about ordinary enemies. Bosses I've met (in ER) were all one-two hit killers with so long attacks or collateral damage that it is even not possible to get close enough to hit them.

Re: PS5 Needs to Do a Better Job of Alerting You to the Things Going on in Your Games


Personaly I hate all game add-ons.
It should be implemented in game from day one or released as standalone or sequel.

Also I absolutely don't care any news of existing games. I would also make all updates optional, because most of time they screw whole game (for example Diablo 4 v1.02 and higher).

They are whining game sales drops, but on the other hand they are inventing tools to keep players in game and NOT buying another game. And still poking into game mechanics until game feels flat and unfunny.

Re: Latest State of Play Is One of the Worst-Received PS5 Shows Yet


Didn't see, so cannot judge.
But it looks like I was right in some way - Sony, after GaaS strategy has imploded, have almost nothing in cooking pot.

Anyway I don't understand that mania around Astrobot. Mine experience was I tried to play it on PS4, but in a few seconds it forces me to connect PS camera which I don't own so I was stuck and really don't want to buy camera just because one game.

Re: Feature: Revisiting PlayStation Showcase 2023, an Event Sony Must Improve Upon


Sony's (almost non-existing) marketing is pretty bad. Yes, they expected to swim in pool of money right now, but as soon as their GaaS "all-in" started to pop, like baloons on cactus party, Sony realised they have NOTHING in cooking pot. And that is scary!

If you look at it with pure logic, PS2, PS3 and PS4 era was golden for gamers. Constant flow of new cca 40 hours long games was making constant income.

Put aside that "false flu hysteria" where people were clearing backlogs, Sony made two huge missteps.
First was absolutely maniacally rushed PS5 release. Unfinished system (still is) and shortage of production.
Second was absolute lack of PS5 games on release.

But it didn't stop there. They bet everything on "Syren's call" of GaaS and - the worst aquisition in gaming history - Bungie.

Result is surprisingly drastic. They ended up empty handed. Half GaaSes scraped, rest GaaSes attract minimum interest, Wolverine is lost somewhere in process, BG3 DD2 HellDivers 2 Stellar Blade already out, and now what ...? London studio closure... I think they are burning in their own hell right now and it will require LOTS of fast and hard work to get out of it.

But I'm affraid, with Sony's lack of fast acting, we are spectators of one huge catastrophe.