Comments 76

Re: Poll: So, Is Monster Hunter Wilds 'Too Easy'?


I’ve always been pretty terrible at MH games so it’s fine for me. I haven’t carted yet but I’ve definitely got close. Hopping on your chocobo is a little OP though. The story part is basically just a huge tutorial geared more towards newcomers which makes sense. Harder monsters will be coming and the eventual huge DLC will be significantly harder.

My biggest complaint is the story is ridiculously boring but MH isn’t known for the plot.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 568


I gave in and bought King Come 2 and oh my gosh what a great purchase. Haven’t even gone to the wedding yet nor will I for a long time. I love how a lot of quests really don’t give you anything but the act of doing them increases your various stats so they are more then worth it since the quest stories are so damn good. carrying a drink dude on my back for 30 minutes actually ended up being fun. The only thing I hate is LOCKPICKING on a controller. It’s so so so bad I just murder everyone for keys.

The issue is there is zero chance I beat it before Wilds comes out. Maybe it will be a good thing because I’m sure there will be some patches out for wilds in the first weeks

Re: Feature: Your Top 10 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023 So Far


As far as the game I’ve had the most fun with it’s probably HL and I’m not even a Potter fan.

But when it comes to the GotY contender on this list it has to be FF16.

I also started Diablo IV a few days ago and I am liking it. It’s my first Diablo game so I have nothing to compare it to.

Also, Octopath 2 deserves to be in the top 5 imo.

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