

I like xbox and playstation

Comments 1,649

Re: Preview: Star Wars Outlaws Thrives in Its Rewarding Open World


looking forward to this people seem hell bent on hating this but frankly im not a sheep i play the games im interested in and make my own mind up

i think its going to be a 70/100 on Metacritic and thats fine there are many games that are 7/10 which i have enjoyed
a 7/10 game shouldn't be viewed as a trash failure but thats the internet for you now days its either trash or great and apparently nothing in-between

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


I think an idea for a hero shooter from sony would be to include there own famous characters.

imagine a 5v5 of
kratos, Cole, Nathan hale, Helghast, Sam porter bridges
Aloy, Joel, ratchet and clank, sack boy, sweet tooth

now thats something different to get peoples attention

Re: Concord's Early Beta Extended an Extra Day on PS5, PC


I played the beta

Its just so meh is it trash no is it in anyway memorable no. its the magnolia of video games dull and inoffensive, anything i would recommend nope. i just didnt find it satisfying at all to play. been done before and better its just so more of the same

sorry its a no from me