Comments 984

Re: Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown Review (PS5) - Flawless Driving Stalled by Technical Issues and a Lacking Hong Kong


I've only managed a few races, which are frame-rate toilets, despite hours and hours of trying.
We lost over an entire day of paid early access with no access at all and here we are 40 hours later suffering constant disconnects. It is actually unplayable at this point.
Apart from that what I have seen so far has been quite unimpressive, can I remind you Driveclub was over 10 years ago.
I'll need a few more races without frustration to decide how the handling is but I do like the fact you can't really cut corners and have to take a proper racing line.

Re: Poll: Rate Your Favourite PS5 Roguelike Games


On the one hand I'd have trouble picking all the roguelikes out of my games list but luckily I'm good in that I rate every game I play here on my Push Square Games Collection so I've done it already.
You should too

Re: Mini Review: Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn (PS5) - Yeah, It's Pretty Good


@LikelySatan you're very welcome. As for the enemies they have small predictable routes they are on, the ones you can see anyway! They will follow you though and if you wander into another bunch whilst running away you have no chance as they are so aggressive they just destroy you.
It's very much of one enemy at a time to get through.
Once you upgrade the little fox thing enough you can easily get an advantage and spam attacks from afar.

Re: Mini Review: Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn (PS5) - Yeah, It's Pretty Good


I'm quite a few hours in and this is one of those games that makes you want to put your foot through the telly.
The platforming is atrocious. She has a double jump that misses handholds she can clearly grab.
The combat is baffling. For some reason no animation is interruptible and the enemy hits take preference when both hitting at the same time. Also I do think one of the weapons is bugged and won't stun during unblockable attacks.
Cheap attacks such as exploding enemies hidden round corners, or snipers you can't make out, and the big chickens need to go in the bin!
Also the dog thing constantly makes noises which means you can't hear enemies coming behind you or direction of attacks. He really needs a setting to quieten him down.
I'm going to persevere but it's quite hateable at this point.