

There are no acidents-Master Oogway

Comments 704

Re: Poll: One Year Later, What Are Your Thoughts on Final Fantasy 16?


Rather disappointing.
Lack of (stable) 60fps, average exploration and good old shimmering between walls make this into sth not quite the premiere next gen experience I thought it would be.
The game also has a ton of minor annoyances, not being able to run in the settlements is mind boggling for instance.
This one area in Dhalmekia looks especially bland, straight up gave me ps2 ptsd despite not playing on the thing haha
Currently about 72% in according to the tracker after 40sth hours.
It's def got good things going for it, especially the blood splatters in cutscenes after fights is something I can appreciate.
And it is definitely very flashy, eikon fights can be very sick.
But for all the gold coming out of japan this is one of the few franchises I can not be bothered with it seems.
Will forever wonder why people like these games so much.
Anyway this about sums it up: