Comments 1,472

Re: Rise of the Ronin Would Not Have Been Made Without Sony


With the development time needed to make games these days, I think these types of partnerships are incredibly smart of Sony to pursue. Rise of the Ronin is a hugely ambitious game with a reach that sometimes exceeds its grasp but gets enough right to stand on its own as a unique and immensely satisfying Samurai sim. Loved it.

Re: Talking Point: Has the Market for AA Games on PS5 Really Disappeared?


@Rudy_Manchego PlayStation’s Q4 2024 revenues were up 16%, driven mostly by record PS5 sales and software revenue growth from non-first party games. All this from an incredibly quiet period of time from PlayStation first party. Astro Bot was a great portfolio piece but a comparatively (to other first party output) low selling property, albeit now with huge growth potential.

I really wonder if a focused and curated approach to the AA space, structured as a separate division/initiative through partnerships with external studios, would be both a safer investment opportunity and better marketing angle. The AA space needs its own approach.

Re: Reaction: The PS5 Discourse Around State of Plays Is Becoming Draining


Fair criticism is fine, as the article states. What it’s actually calling out are the pervasive false narratives that do nothing but shut down constructive community engagement. Somehow, a middle of the road state of play suddenly turns into:

!!!There’s no good games anymore and this gen is a joke and this is what happens with no competition and Sony is an evil empire and if you like anything they do you’re a bootlicking simp who doesn’t actually know what a good video game is and capitalism!!!

It’s exhausting, as per the article. And there are plenty of reasonable, middle ground takes that get left untyped because it’s alienating to come here as a video game lover and be made to feel miserable for it.

Re: HBO's The Last of Us Will Likely Run for Four Seasons


I’m really looking forward to this. I thoroughly enjoyed the second game but I felt that a lot of arcs were underdeveloped and major plot points were rushed and/or unearned, sending its tone into the realm of pulp, something that I don’t think suits TLoU’s universe. This is a great opportunity to do narrative justice to what I consider a heavily flawed masterpiece.

Re: Poll: How Long Does It Take You to Beat a Big RPG?


It depends but generally these massive RPG’s take me months to work through so I’m pretty selective with them. I like to drink it all in so I’ve got to be really enjoying the game to sink these kinds of hours into them and generally take longer than the playtime estimates. Sometimes I take a break from them as well. 100 hours is a lot of time!!