Comments 1,769

Re: Dev Behind PSVR2's Firewall Ultra Blames the Lack of Virtual Reality Support for Closure


I’m a big fan of VR and I’ve bought 2 PSVRs along with an Oculus through the years but felt from day one that the PSVR2 came at a bad time and actually too early.

It launched when people were still struggling just to get a PS5. I believe the PSVR2 should have released like next year or even later. I just never had a good feeling about it this go around and haven’t bought one either so far.

Re: Sony Officially Confirms PS5 Has Passed the 50 Million Units Milestone


I truly feel like the PS5’s success is based off of the loyalty PlayStation created with previous generations.

That’s the sole reason I bought a PS5 day 1, as did my friends. We loved previous generations.

Though, we’ve been pretty disappointed with the PS5 and don’t necessarily plan to buy a PS6 day one especially if it looks like they’ll support cross gen for three or more years into its life, because, what’s the point? Might as well just stick with the PS5.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


What a sh*t show.

Though, Uncharted 2-3’s multiplayer and Factions are my all time favorite multiplayers. I’m being serious. They are my favorite over COD, Battlefield, Apex, EVERYTHING.

I just wanted a Factions 2 that was a slight improvement over Factions at best.

Sony continues to annoy the absolute hell out of me.

Re: Poll: Was The Game Awards 2023 Worth Watching?


Before it even started, I decided I was going to give it 30 minutes to hook me otherwise I’d turn it off and just check the news later.

That’s exactly what happened.

After checking in, it’s fine. I may be in the minority, but it feels like there has been an over abundance of alien worlds/space and cyberpunkish/robot games and survival games pushed for a few years now and they just don’t do anything for me. Many of the previews I saw did nothing for me.

Re: Soapbox: The Wait for GTA 6 on PS5 Will Be Excruciating


As much as I’d like to play GTA6, it’s way too far out to care about.

I haven’t always been this way, but I’m glad I am now. I expect it to release at the end of 2025 at the earliest but can easily see it being pushed to 2026 and I still wouldn’t care. It’s just too far out regardless.

I’m more interested in whatever is releasing in the next 4 months. I guess Tekken 8 is next in line for me.

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


I said NO when the news first broke and still stand by that.

They sold full price games with very expensive DLC, then added in a store, traditional season pass and then new at the time battle passes, along with removing story content that you purchased. Destiny NEVER should have been a success.


And Sony bought them for their expertise to implement all of that crap into their own games?! 🤮

Customers that support that crap are ruining gaming.

Re: Reaction: PS5's Success Is Not Luck, Because Sony's Spent Years Putting in the Hard Yards


It’s an unpopular opinion but I’ve been saying for a while now that I believe the PS5’s success is due to past generations and not for what it’s done.

That’s 100% the reason I bought 2 consoles day 1. One for me, one for my kids.

I’ve been pretty underwhelmed by the PS5 so far. I still hold the opinion that it’s basically been a PS4 Pro 2. The vast majority of its games have been PS4 titles. I’ve only been impressed by 3 titles in its 3 years, Astro due to the controller haptics, RnC due to its graphics and realm jumps and Spider-Man 2 due to it’s extremely high level of detail maintained over far distances along with the high speed of travel all achieved in an open world title.

It’s also annoying that a majority of Sony Studios haven’t released an actual NEW PS5 title 3 years into this gen. Naughty Dog, Sony Bend, Media Molecule, Sony Santa Monica have yet to release anything PS5 related worthwhile. Their PS4 offerings have been great though.

I don’t care the reasoning. I don’t care that it takes years to release games. It doesn’t change the fact that the PS5 generation has basically been a just a PS4 Part 2.

If the last 3 years has taught me anything, it’s that I shouldn’t be in a hurry for a PS6 in the future because crossgen is going to be supported for a long time.

I thing the PS5 is easily the most underwhelming PS generation.

Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Remaster Announced, Has a Brand New Survival Mode, $10 Upgrade Path


@Octane I figured it’s real purpose of existing is to release it to PC but they want to get it out the door first to PS5 so players don’t whine.

It sucks being over 3 years into a new console and a good chunk of PS Studios haven’t released a new game for it.

The PS5 gen is easily the worst PlayStation generation and I couldn’t imagine how bad it would be if Insomniac wasn’t there to carry it.

Re: Free Villains, Weapons, Events Set for Suicide Squad PS5 After Launch


I wish I had a term for this.

When I played the Arkham games. Batman felt like he was a part of the world.

When I play Spider-Man, they feel like they are part of their world.

The same with GTAV, RDR2, The Witcher, etc.

This game, gives me vibes of a more vertical Agents of Mayhem, and that time of game, the characters feel like they are more in an arena, than part of a world and this type of game tends to bore me quickly.

Edit: I think I figured out a term.

Hero Hoard Mode Shooter

Re: Sony Delays Six Live Service PS5 Games, But Company Remains Committed to Model


What a sh*t show. Purchasing Bungie and focusing on GaaS MAY end up being one of Sony’s biggest regrets.

This may be the beginning of woes.

Planning on releasing 12 titles by 2026 and having to cut that in half due to quality issues is NOT a sign that all is well, but at least they recognize it.

Sony’s lucky that the PS5 is a huge success due to the loyalty gained from previous generations.

Re: Bungie Layoffs Reportedly Impacted Around 100 Staff, Revenue 45% Below 2023 Projection


The big issue with games like this is that if you start losing the actual fans it will be very difficult for it to survive because it will likely not bring in new customers.

You can’t afford mistakes when you are milking 1 game.

Off topic, I NEVER liked that Sony purchased them, and especially for multiple billions. I thought that decision was crazy. I may be completely wrong, but I thought that I had read before the purchase was even announced that Bungie was struggling and was having to take out numerous loans to stay afloat and I also think that I read that Bungie approached Microsoft for for a sale for like 800 million at that time and Microsoft passed and then Sony bought them for 3 billion. Again it may be wrong as that was years ago, but I thought Sony buying them was absolutely crazy.

Re: PS5 Live-Service Game Marathon Has Reportedly Been Delayed to 2025


@Ken_Kaniff I prefer experiences like Uncharted 2, TLoU, and Resistance 2 where they were great games with tacked on multiplayer.

The damage may be done though and it will take years to return back to what they were doing if this is true. You have to consider these past 1-3 years went into GaaS, and if they change from that, it will take another 3-6 years to see a release.

Re: GTA 6's Innovative PS5 Animation Engine Promises to Be Highly Dynamic and Realistic


This game is way to far out to care about.

I’ve seen a ton of people hyped thinking a trailer was going to drop at any moment. Even if it did, it wouldn’t do anything for me unless the game is a few months out. Knowing this franchise, it will get a trailer with the release date for a year later and then a few months before that release it’ll get delayed for another half a year to a year.

Re: Mortal Kombat 1 Fans Are Finished with the PS5 Game's $10 Halloween Fatality


I loved Injustice 2 and MK11 and I easily played them for months and then on and off for years.

So, I blindly bought the 120$ edition of MK1 based off of my previous enjoyment.

I haven’t regretted buying a video game this badly in years. When compared to even the day one versions of IJ2 and MK11, MK1 has far less content.

I quit playing MK1 after a couple weeks and I’ve never done that with an NRS title.

Lesson learned. I’ll NEVER buy another NRS title day one again. I’ll either rent it or wait for a big sale.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer's Microtransactions Man Has Left Naughty Dog


@Sakai I replied to that guy with the same answer as well. There are many of us that only bought a PS5 because we want to play PlayStation 1st party studio titles. It’s annoying the hell out of me when people keep defending them by saying why don’t you play something else.

PlayStation used to have the slogan, Greatness Awaits.
Now, it feels like Greatness Awaits, and Waits, and Waits

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer's Microtransactions Man Has Left Naughty Dog


@Uromastryx In regard to you telling another commenter can’t they just play other games while we wait on Sony to release more .

I don’t know about you, but many of us bought a PS5 to play actual PlayStation first party titles. Otherwise, I could have went with another system if first party titles didn’t matter to me.

Quit defending PlayStation bungling this generation.

Re: PlayStation's Push for Live Service Games Hasn't Been Going Smoothly


@doctommaso PlayStation’s biggest 1st party titles tend to push 25+ hours, GoW for example was 70$. Then you have a game like Miles Morales that was smaller and was 50. It was still a big game though.

That’s what I’m alluding to. PlayStation should go back to focusing on games that are similar to Miles Morales in size, length, and content. Those could easily be $50-$60 and we could have releases more often. You keep hearing these big games are ballooning costs, so quit making so many big games.

I would much rather have games similar to miles every three years, then to wait every six years for a bigger game.