Comments 1,769

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Huge PS5 Pro Enhancements Are a 'Vast Improvement'


@InfidelFrigidstraigh Cycle through that picture of the girl and the cat.

Look at the flower to her right and notice how blurry it is, and then cycle through the pics to notice the improvement.

Do the same with her hair on the left side.

Do the same with the trees on the cliff in the far background while also noticing how the grey fogginess is reduced while the object is also becoming sharper.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Huge PS5 Pro Enhancements Are a 'Vast Improvement'


That’s a big deal to me.

The fogginess and blurriness I see in a lot of games really annoys me.

I’m already sold on a PS5 Pro just from the few examples I’ve seen and I imagine it’s gonna be so much better in person.

Granted, I’m very aware that the vast majority probably doesn’t even notice the differences But they’ve always stood out to me.

Re: PS5, PC Disaster Concord Is Now Officially Offline Indefinitely


I had one last run with it late last night.

It may come down to where I live in the US, but from day one I never had an issue finding matches and it took 99% of them less than 30 seconds to find.

As always, I had a good time.

This game didn’t deserve the hate it got. The hate this game gets from incels and bigots on Twitter is pretty disgusting.

Re: Internal Sony Fairgame$ Chatter Is Reportedly Quite Positive


I don’t know why that would matter. I’m sure the internal dialogue for Concord was pretty positive and then when the gamers see it, you know the hate they carried for Concord could easily pass on to that game.

Hell, gamers had a lot of hate for hell divers 2 up until it’s release.

Edit: I made this statement before I read the comments in this article and you can see exactly what I’m talking about. They’re already negative in the comments.

Re: How Long Does It Take to Find a Match in Concord on PS5, PC?


@Enigk It had ZERO.

It’s a traditional game. You paid 40$ and you got everything.

The only thing Sony will learn from this are that nimrods prefer F2P titles with most of it’s content is locked away for 10-20$ a piece and it takes 100s of dollars to actually unlock it all. Don’t forget to buy the battle pass with a heavy dose of FOMO.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Sales Estimates Are Somehow Even Worse Than We Thought


F2P sure has warped gamers.

I guess the majority now love being nickel and dimed to death with having characters, costumes, gear pieces and other types of cosmetics all locked away along with have battle passes and season passes shoved down our throats with a health dose of FOMO because if you don’t unlock everything in your season pass, then you lose it.

Then, we have these damn people that will spend hundreds or thousands on MTX but lose their damn mind when a traditional COMPLETE game cost $40. It’s really disappointing seeing so many people will become warped.

The only lesson these big companies will learn from this is that gamers don’t want traditional games they want to be nickel and dime to death.

Re: Judge for Yourself with Official PS5 Black Myth: Wukong Gameplay


I want this game and would be happy to buy day one, But considering a large amount of games release somewhat unoptimized and then they patch it for months. I’ve quit buying many games day one.

The last game that comes to mind is Jedi Survivor. I was going to buy day one. They were going to get the full $70 but it was kind of janky and then I didn’t buy it for months.

If I see some proof that this game has solid performance throughout, then I’ll buy itthis week otherwise, I’ll get it sometime in the future.

Re: PS5's Lack of Tentpole Exclusives Isn't Hurting Engagement, Says Sony


As a longtime hardcore PlayStation fan I think it SUCKS!

I miss the experience I had with the PS3.

Uncharted 1-3
Resistance 1-3
LBP 1-3
Motorstorm 1-3
Infamous 1-2 and Vampire DLC
God of War 3 and Ascension
Ratchet and Clank

Third party games were fresh:

Bioshock 1-3
GTA 4&5
Spec Ops The Line
Demon and Dark Souls
Assassin’s Creeds
Far Cry’s

And many more. I know that we still have many of these types of games, but they were just fresh back then.

Re: Suicide Squad the Villain Behind Warner Bros Gaming Revenue Drop


My son and I were huge fans of the old Batman games and figured bare minimum, The suicide squad game would be worth it just for the story.


We just beat it today and it was very anticlimactic. I can’t imagine those that paid full price for this game. We waited for a sale and it still wasn’t worth it. It’s extremely disappointing.

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


I’m completely burned out on pure Souls games. If it’s a lite version of it, I’m fine.

I’m not a fan of these games being referred to as challenging when it just wants you to grind to boost numbers.

The newer God of War games are souls-lite, which I’m cool with but I vastly prefer the gameplay of older GoW, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Bayenetta, etc.

I just beat Flintlock which is a souls-lite, and it was fine, but I have zero interest in that new Elden Ring DLC for example.

Also, Sekiro is better than every Souls game Fromsoft has ever released.

Re: Marvel Rivals' Closed Beta Is Putting Concord's Player Numbers into Perspective


Im not a fan of hero shooters, but I had a good time with Concord playing it with my kids.

This is just another game that is receiving unwarranted hate and will do badly due to the weirdness of gamers.

The blind hate this game has received reminds me of what happened to Days Gone.

Also when it comes to content, many F2P titles offer 2 costumes for 40$ and lock their characters away.

Concord offers 16 characters and then roughly 10 costumes, 5 gear, 5 accessories, 10 gun skins, 30 gun charms, however many maps and they say all future content is free for 40$.

F2P has warped gamers.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


We’ve been told for years that It was hard to make a good profit from full price games at $60-$70, So it’s always seemed very apparent that offering all of your brand new games at a bargain bin price subscription service isn’t gonna work out well for a company.

I’m actually a GamePass Subscriber and it really annoys me That we’ve heard, Play it day one on game pass, when it sure doesn’t mean that anymore.

There’s people out there acting dense and pretending it does though.

Re: Apex Legends Demands More Cash in New, Dodgy Battle Pass Strategy


I don’t understand people that don’t come to the immediate conclusion that they should just delete it.

I’m fine with GaaS as a whole, but people have supported too much greed. It’s insane to me that people ever bought cosmetics that are 20$ or higher.

It’s a horrible message, FULL games are 70$, but you’re willing to pay 20$ for cosmetics. That’s horrible. Cosmetics should be 8$ at the absolute most for premium content.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


@MrBook It will definitely be the same. The days of pushing the newest tech are gone.

PS6 games will have to cater to the specs of the PS5 and PC equivalent. Otherwise, you are reducing your possible sales.

The days of being blown away by a game pushing the limits are gone.