Comments 1,769

Re: UK Regulator No Longer Concerned About Activision Buyout's Impact on Console Competition


I’ve said for a while now that Microsoft will offer these games in a traditional manner but it will get to the point to where they won’t sell them, you will only be able to play them on a subscription service that’s 25$ or higher a month, and when it comes to other competitors like Sony, the only way they will be able to have the games is if they allow GamePass on their consoles.

Microsoft will eventually strong arm everyone.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of The Last of Us - Episode 7?


It was okay and probably the worst episode so far. There was one other I really didn’t care for but I can’t remember it. I think it came after Bill’s Town. It’s concerning they only have two episodes left and they are both short on n actual time compared to many of the other. I think 51 and 43 minutes.

I understand it cant be all action but this show has been WAY slower than I ever expected. It also feels like Joel and Ellie haven’t had enough screen time together and they’re relationship pales in comparison to the game’s Joel and Ellie. It felt like Joel was more open to developing a friendship with Ellie in the game in comparison to how cold and withdrawn the tv’s Joel has been.

So far, I’d never want to watch the show again. That sounds harsh. I’ve enjoyed it but it’s looking like a one and done for me.

Re: Rumour: Sony Set for Two PS5 Showcases Soon, as State of Play Rumours Return


@Ken_Kaniff I don’t know if I’ve ever disagreed with you lol. I can always count on Ken to say what I’m thinking.

I despise PlayStation’s silence. I despise they hung on to cross-gen so long to the detriment of the PS5. I despise they shut down Evolution and the Japanese studios. I despise it feels like they’re focusing more on taking care of PCs and doing remasters than actually catering to PS5 owners.

So far, the PS5 generation is the worst they’ve ever done. Some people will harp what about HFW, GT7 and GoWR last year? Weren’t they great? Yeah, they were great PS4 games.

With how they love to drag out a generation now, I sure as hell won’t buy the next system so quickly.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


Im a big fan of VR. I’ve owned multiple PSVRs, and a Quest, but I’m just not hyped to buy a PSVR2 day one. By the time the PSVR came out I felt like the PS4 had actually been utilized and I was excited for the new tech. I don’t feel the same way about the PS5 because a majority of its games are still PS4 games, there’s also a ton of games releasing from Jan-June and I just don’t feel like I’ve got my money’s worth out of the PS5 yet. It just all hinders my hype for it. Though, I plan on getting one around July when the typical game drought sets in.

Re: HBO's Show Triggers a Meteoric Rise in The Last of Us Sales



I’m still not a fan that TLoU Part 1 exists. I knew this was the purpose along with hoping people would double or triple dip on the same game. I bought it on the PS3 and loved Factions. I’m moved to the PS4 soon after and because my friends and I still played Factions, we double dipped. Fast forward to now, we are always waiting on the next big PlayStation game. I bought Horizon and GoWR day one. I beaten both as well. I realize Forspoken is coming, but I’m waiting on the next first party studio game. Now, getting back to TLoU Part 1 existing. If it didn’t exist, there likely would be a new game somewhat close to release from that other San Diego Studio, and ND’s projects could be further along than what they are,but that’s not the case due to them wasting talent on that remake. That’s why I really hope the rumors that HZD Remake is happening are fake. It already takes longer than it ever has for games to release, and the best devs in the industry wasting their talent on these remakes isn’t making the wait for actual new games any easier.

I feel like the only game Sony has right now to look forward too is Spider-Man 2 and that’s probably not going to release until the end of the year 🫠.

Re: PS5, PSVR2 Likely to Feature at Sony's CES 2023 Press Conference


I’ve been a pretty big supporter of VR. I bought 2 PSVRs, and an Oculus headset but I’m not really excited for this. It’s probably due to the games. They don’t excite me enough to purchase one day one. It really doesn’t help that there are a ton of good looking traditional games releasing next year. I may end up buying one around July.

Re: PSVR2 Pre-Orders No Longer Require an Invite


I bought a PSVR early on and bought a Oculus Rift later on as well. So, I’m a big fan of VR but it m just not that excited for PSVR2. I love the new controllers but having experienced Oculus controllers reduces the excitement for using the new PSVR controllers. Also, I’m not excited for any game they’ve shown.

I have a buddy that wants one day one, to my surprise. Though, he refuses to order one online. He said he wants to buy it in store.

It doesn’t help my excitement for VR that 2023 is loaded with great normal games that I’m looking forward too. I can see myself buying one around July of next year.

Re: Reaction: Sony Poised to End 2022 without Major Press Conference


I loved Ragnarok but I’m past the point of giving a ***** on what they do. With how Sony has been conducting themselves, I bought a Series X this year and I haven’t owned an Xbox since the 360 and I also used the exploit to get three years of GamePass. My buddy who has NEVER owned an Xbox, did the exact same thing I did. With Xbox, I knew I had Plague Tale Requiem coming at the time along with High on Life, Atomic Heart and Red Fall in the near future. I loved Sony during the PS3 era, and that started to fade toward the PS5 being announced. I was going to say at the end of the PS4 era, but, we know how that is going. I miss how Sony use to be, but it is what it is and now I’m covered regardless of whatever they do.