Comments 1,769

Re: Poll: Was Summer Game Fest Live a Show to Remember?


Unless you’ve never played TLoU, that remake looks like a HUGE waste of money.

Also, we won’t hear about Factions 2 until next year………..really? Such BS.

Everything Sony does now is for the benefit of PC players or brand new players. Just sh*t on us who have been around forever.

Re: Soapbox: I Really Miss E3


I miss how fantastic it once was followed by websites sharing interviews with devs in the the week to follow. It felt like there’s was always a ton to talk about. Now, announcements never feel as big.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game Shown at State of Play?


@tselliot I owned ever system for years except the Xbox One and I’ve been waiting and hoping that Microsoft gets back to the point to where they release games that I’d really like that way I’ll be able to jump between Sony and Microsoft AAAs like I use too. I feel like I’m constantly waiting for the next big thing and smaller titles don’t fill the void as most of them bore me quickly. I’ve been gaming since the 80s and most games give me a been there done feeling. Taking breaks doesn’t help either. I can go play a SNES game that I haven’t played in 20s years but shortly after starting it’s like I never quit and become bored. So, RE4 doesn’t do anything for me. Considering it’s been re-released like 15 times.

Re: PS Plus June 2022 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


@koffing Rocket League is the best game I ever got from PS+. I as well miss the days from getting higher quality soon to be released indie titles.

I’m really happy with Nickelodeon Brawl though. I planned on buying it once it got its voiceover patch.

Re: PlayStation Predicts PC Revenue to More Than Triple This Fiscal Year


It may be wrong, but I’ve heard for years that Sony makes a ton off of their store purchases. It really surprises me that Sony would want to bolster their PC business with the possibility of sending their customers to the PC market.

Personally, I can see the PS5 being the last Sony console I own because I feel that the game market is pushing me to PC. Hell, if you enjoy playing a wide variety of games, PC is definitely becoming the way to go. PC + Nintendo is going to be the ultimate combo and all you will need.

Re: Sony: Acquisition of Bungie Represents a Major Step Forward in Becoming More Multiplatform


Slowly killing the main reason to even buy a PlayStation. It’s getting to a point to where it’s best just to buy a PC and a Nintendo console to game. It’s kinda crazy to think that Sony is heading away from what made them successful.

It’s also very surprising that Sony would risk pushing people away from the PS Store.

They make a ton off of every single purchase out of their store. Gamers move to PC, Sony will get their game sales but will lose those in-store sales.