Comments 1,250

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


@themightyant it's tricky mate, I think we exist in an enthusiast bubble and our views are often not represented in a wider commercial sense. Add to this we have a new generation of gamers who are coming up who may never have engaged with a physical game ever and the future doesnt look rosy. Don't get me wrong, if the ps6 and the next xbox don't have a disc drive then I won't be there at launch but millions will.

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


@themightyant I think because whilst there is a vibrant retail sector for physical games online now, that's going to go down the line as well. You nearly always get a better deal with physical copies as it stands. I got zelda totk for £48 and got it a day early. I personally think those days are numbered, not least because the console providers would rather you buy digital and get a bigger cut as well as kill the secondary market. The series s accounts for 75 % of all xbox consoles and is digital only. The new ps5 revision has an optional disc drive but how well the additional drive sells remains to be seen. The new series x revision is rumoured to not have a disc drive. Arguably two of the biggest ps5 releases of the year in Balders Gate 3 and Alan Wake are digital only! I don't like it but predominantly digital future would seem to be the direction of travel.

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


Retailers in UK have already started to head down this Rd, tesco have stopped (link below), my sainsbury has (though don't know if this is uk wide), game is struggling and my local shop is 50:50 space between games and cheap tacky merch. CEX might be one of the busier retail shops in my local shopping centre but if it gets harder to buy retail and digital takes over, they are done too as they won't get supply of stock. Sucks as I buy predominantly physical games, not from a preservationist perspective but because I like to sell games on after I've finished with them.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 497


I've been feeling proper rubbish over the last few days with a crazy cough so have been bunkered down playing tons of Starfield. I might be sad enough to try build a klingon bird of prey in the ship builder!! Going to play some more quarry too, loving the 90s scream vibes. I also managed to check out the viewfinder demo and dave the diver demos and now want to buy both! Crazy time for games. Have a good one folks

Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Remaster Seems to Be Real


Will returnal be the only new first party single player ip we see this generation? Live service tosh we don't want, remasters/remakes of games that runs top notch backwards compatible (last of us 1, now 2 and reportedly horizon zero dawn), no hint of anything new/unusual single player coming soon. Jim Ryan has just left but suspect as consumers we will be stuck with some of his decisions around company direction and thevtype of games/pitches being greenlit for years to come.

Re: PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Spending Has Completely Plateaued in USA


I've found gaming subscription services transformative for how I engage with games. Having access to a wide variety of titles and experiences to dip in and try, combined with folks who are on the same service having a common library is great. I would not have bought titles like tchia, stray, venba, immortality or pentiment day 1 but with a subscription model I can play them and know that the devs have been funded. You can also not feal cheated if you play a game that just doesnt work for you, as you can just stop and play something else. Whether it works for giant AAA title sustainability or profit remains to be seen but as a consumer, there can be benefits.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 491


Having dug out the wii last night, I'm away to pick up a balance board (as mine has died) and wii sports resort from cex. My daughter was really digging wii sports last night to the point of even playing the baseball game!! Hopefully squeeze in some time to play ori will of the wisps as well, still only a few hours in but the movement feels fantastic. Have a good one folks

Re: Red Dead Redemption Runs at 4K, 30FPS on PS5


@GamingFan4Lyf I'm no game dev but I think skyrim also had physics tied to framerate when it launched. Maybe it effects more development tools than we would think? Having said that, its Rockstar. With all the GTA online money they have, launching a port of a decade old game at 50 bucks, you'd think they could get it to run at 60 on a PS5.

Re: Red Dead Redemption Runs at 4K, 30FPS on PS5


@GamingFan4Lyf this. GTA4 implemented boost and then you couldn't beat the game as the input was linked to the fps. People couldn't finish the game as they couldn't mash the run button fast enough in the final mission chase scene 🤣

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 489


Played a slice of Venba last night and really enjoyed it. I'm not someone who gets emotional at any fiction in any media but God damn this game hit me in the feels! At the lightning temple in totk as my last regional phenomenon and its still so good. I'm hoping to get some ori and the will of the wisps in too. So many great games, not nearly enough time. Have a great weekend folks

Re: Red Dead Redemption Out on PS4 This Month, Not a Remaster


Wonder If it's running in an emulator, like mario 64 in mario 3d all stars? Feels like a crazy decision after the garbage remaster of GTA 3 etc. For a company that takes themselves and their place in the medium so seriously, they sure don't give a toss about their legacy.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 487


I've been melting in the Mediterranean sun with a pint of Mythos, yamas squad!! I did find some time to check out oxenfree 2 on android, which seems pretty decent and a little totk. Just did some sky islands with light puzzles and it's some of my favourite gaming moments ever.

Re: Street Fighter 6 Tops 2 Million Copies Sold, Celebrates with In-Game Rewards


@Shepherd_Tallon I'm not really a fighting game guy and last SF was 2 on the megadrive. The modern controls combined with the tutorials and training room options have made this game something I can dig into. In the training room, you can set the AI to to repeatedly do one move (like a jump to reset their behaviour then a throw attempt) to practice how you would deal with it. I realise there are probably a lot of people getting real sweaty online but ranked SF6 is my go to podcast game. It has multiplatform online too and I've only had one online match with any big lag. I'm not as hot on the world tour mode as reviews were. It's fine but I'd rather play against people.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 483


Some more tears of the kingdom, having finally found the woodland stable I'm going to see whether my systematic decimation of blue lizards across hyrule has been worth it! Also some street fighter 6. Despite being rubbish at fighting games, I'm picking up the odd win here and there and importantly, even when I get rinsed I still have a good time. Have a good one folks

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Street Fighter 6?


The last street fighter I owned was 2 on the mega drive! Over the years I've played way more tekken (particularly 2,3 and tag) but the tutorials, options for modern controls and the button masher controls for my daughter and world tour mode convinced me to take the plunge. Now I just have to stop playing zelda to try it!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 474


Work today so not as much as i would like! Resident evil 4, just finished chapter 5 and the mixture of action and horror is so good. I can't play for more than 45-60 mins in a sitting as its just too tense! Hopefully some more Kentucky route zero too, just got to act 3 and its so weird yet compelling. Like who would think to make a point and click adventure that mashes up twin peaks and a Michael Moore documentary on capitalism?? Have a good one folks

Re: Best Indie Games on PS5


Surprised to see it didn't make the list among the community but tunic is an amazing game!! Challenging combat, amazing exploration, haunting soundtrack that I still listen to and an interesting story.