Comments 8,066

Re: Naughty Dog Allegedly Found Bungie's Feedback on Binned The Last of Us 2 Multiplayer Extremely Helpful


People forget that that ND have previous on turning smaller projects and turning them into much bigger ones. Uncharted The Lost Legacy was originally meant to be a smaller story expansion that was part of U4's season pass. But it became far more ambitious that it became a standalone release and Sony had to cancel the season pass.
Just an update on Factions was never going to be enough for ND, I always felt they wanted to do something more closer in scale to something like The Division. The problem is how to you get recurring revenue from it that brings in the kind of quality content that ND is known for? Most live service games are set in fantasy or sci-fi settings because they can go crazy on cosmetics for players to express themselves, TLOU can't do that without it being very jarring, the reality is there's only so many shirts, jackets and backpacks you can make without it looking samey.

Re: Bungie to Lay Off 220 Workers, Will Be Further Integrated into Sony


Sad state of affairs to the point that you just feel numb to the situation. The wider industry needs to be more efficient with it's budgets and expectations on their returns.

As for Bungie themselves, their upper management have been making far too many costly mistakes over the last several years that they either turned the ship around or they huge prices had to be paid.

Re: Preview: There's Nothing Super About Marvel Rivals on PS5


Having put more time into it, your not wrong about it being a copy and paste of OW right down to it's modes. It's much more like OW then Concord. However I'm finding it really fun, it's really chaotic at times plus destructible environments adds some strategies to matches.
I don't agree with it feeling like a mobile game though, it has good presentation with great visual flourishes in the character menus.

Re: Marvel Rivals' Closed Beta Is Putting Concord's Player Numbers into Perspective


Having put time into Concord and tried Marvel Rivals last night, it was obvious to me what Concord was lacking in it's beta. The biggest issue I had with Concord was the lack of a training mode or a good breakdown of a character's abilities.
Rivals had a clean and easy to read list of each character's movelist complete with clips displaying them.

@Oram77 Yeah I think Fairgame$ has a bit more of a chance because there's a gap in the market right now for a more higher quality heist shooter, the only competition has been Payday 3 and that has really struggled so if Haven can get a fun gameplay loop with some cool looking characters then it can find an audience.

Re: Urban RPG Zenless Zone Zero Is Totting Up Tons of PS5 Playtime


@glassmusic I can't really comment on Genshin but with ZZZ the combat is really fun but there's a lot of talking and dialogue boxes but in a neat feature you can skip it and the game will give you a summary as to what happened. Most of the game is spent going around locations talking to people, picking up quests etc.
As for the currencies my advice is to just ignore them outside of doing tutorials, the game gives you characters that are good enough see you through the story content for a good long while.
If you have any specific questions then I'll be happy to help.