Comments 8,066

Re: Poll: Are You Playing the Stellar Blade Demo?


It's a very meaty demo, wasn't expecting it to be as long as it was.
Graphics: Characters and enemies look great and well detailed. Environments are decent, nothing amazing but hardly bad either.
Combat: It's a weird mix of Sekiro's parrying with Star Wars Jedi's special abilities. Some have said about input delay but I wonder if that's improved through upgraded skills.
Boss fights: easily the best parts of the demo, I found it easier to read their attacks as well as making use of my beta abilities.
My only real criticism would be that I wish the UI stood out a bit more visually. I didn't check in the settings but I hope you can make the UI bigger too.
Also having to pick up resources is a bit of an odd choice, hopefully there's an upgrade later that does it automatically.

Re: Larian Studios' Swen Vincke Blames Mass Layoffs on Publisher Greed


I'm glad people are starting to point fingers at Geoff Keighley. He's one of the biggest spokesman in the industry but rarely if ever talks up about the layoffs, he allows himself to be too tied up in sponsors and publishers that shows like The Game Awards become 90% trailer reel then the actual show that's supposed to celebrate the actual developers.

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 Players Plot Mass NPC Murder to Boost the Frame Rate


Are people even playing the game properly at that point? Like who cares if it adds a few frames...just play it.
There's too many people who judge a game on its resolution or frame rate that it's reducing the art form into just arbitrary numbers.
Some of the greatest games of all time have technical problems but most don't care cos the games were great.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Hi-Fi Rush?


I've bought it but won't be playing it yet. Rebirth, Helldivers and Fortnite stuff to do.
But I got it anyway because I believe in voting with your wallet. And with it been one of the few Xbox games I was envious of as well as wanting MS to go completely multiplatform...this was a no brainer.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth PS5 Sales Slip 91% at Retail


About 25 hours in and nearly finished Costa Del Sol and honestly I can't think of anything seriously wrong with the game. The plot so far has been very faithful while enhancing events that it needed too.
Side quests aren't long plus offer greater rewards then Remake did. Exploration is worth doing due to the varied environments.
Combat has been improved a lot especially in aerial combat.
If people aren't buying it then I don't know what Square Enix could have done...these games wouldn't run on Switch and the Xbox community barely buy JRPGS to make the extra cost of porting it day one for it to be worth it.

Re: Sony Partner Deviation Games Shuttered Before Shipping Its First PS5 Project


It's a very strange one cos on paper they seemed like a really good studio for Sony to partner with (largely made up of Treyarch veterans) but something was obviously not coming together. But has some of the above comments mentioned, Sony have hired a fair few of that studio's talent including Jason Blundell so they obviously they saw something that was worth doing that.

Re: WWE 2K24 Blurs Out Archival Vince McMahon Footage


All those years when his company blurred out the F in WWF or straight up trying to rewrite history against wrestlers who were either A) involved in a ongoing scandal B) in legal disputes with them or C) straight up committed serious crimes.
It's quite funny to see it happen to him.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of PSVR2, One Year Later?


PSVR2 is a great piece of kit. Though reviews (including here) overblew the screen quality and not setting expectations with regards to the very small sweet spot.
In terms of games, there's been a surprisingly good amount of quality but of course the lack of 1st party titles is concerning and with the news of PC support I'm wondering if it's just going to put off developers from porting games over.

Re: Microsoft Exec on Helldivers 2: I'm Not Sure Who It Helps By Not Being on Xbox


"Big man, pig man
Ha, ha, charade you are
You well heeled big wheel
Ha, ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin
Saying 'Keep on digging'
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find
Down in the pig mine?
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry"

When are "journalists" going to grow a backbone and call out the crap he speaks.

Re: Xbox Is Bringing Four Exclusives to PS5, But It Won't Say Which


If I was an Xbox fan I'd be furious at the lack of transparency. Phil Spencer couldn't even be bothered to name the 4 games despite it being public knowledge already.
Also 34m GP subs is a pitiful return on the amount of money that they have put into it.

Imagine this was PlayStation saying this, everyone on these comments would be rightly furious.

Re: Foamstars (PS5) - PS Plus' Sudsy Shooter Is Good, Clean Fun


Had some decent fun with it. None of the live service aspects are remotely tempting but there's a solid game here. And since Splatoon isn't on PS5 it's a good alternative.
The music is good too though some tunes weirdly remind me of Dennis Nordon's It'll be alright on the night. God that shows my age.