Comments 220

Re: FromSoftware Plans to Flog Characters, Bosses as Elden Ring Nightreign DLC


This is exactly what I was scared of. I'd love to give From the benefit of the doubt, but this article (and more specifically, the swift removal of the excerpt from the Steam page) is fairly damning.

I'll still likely worship at the altar of FromSoft... but this whole direction/strategy regarding Nightreign just reeks of 'Big Corpo'.

Never in a million years did I envisage From releasing something that would encourage MTX/DLC to yield the privilege of 'downloadable skins' (!)

I wish From had pooled the time, money, resources into something more akin to their usual quality and output.

Re: Preview: Elden Ring Nightreign Is the Most Interesting PS5, PS4 Multiplayer Game of 2025


It saddens me how un-excited I am by this...

Generally speaking, I worship at the altar of FromSoft - Sekiro being one of my favorite games of all time. I loved Elden Ring, plaintum'd it twice (once on PS, and then did another 100% achievement run on Steamdeck).

Even Armored Core6.... amazing game, wasn't sure it would land for me but it absolutely delivered.

I genuinely hope to be proven wrong, but Nightreign really seems to be an exercise in trend-chasing.... and the 'money men' making a push to utilise From's beloved IP as a tool to lean into the Helldivers2 model? (with a splash of Fortnite / Overwatch?)

I heard Miyazaki isn't involved in this though? Allegedly he is working on From's 'next big project' - for which I am glad, as it infers he is being put to better use than spearheading Nightreign.

Hopefully From prove me wrong

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 567


Since recently beating Nine Sols, and still suffering from the PTSD that came from several weeks vs Eigong (final boss) - I’m currently playing 2 puzzle games concurrently:
1) Loco-Motive: a Lucasarts-inspired P&C adventure game, gorgeously crafted with solid voice acting and strong gameplay. A little on the easy side, and doesn’t quite capture the same magic as recent genre peers (Return to MI, Thimbleweed Park, Lucy Dreaming etc) - but a nice chilled enjoyable time.
2) Rise of the Golden Idol: never played the predecessor, but this game is top tier. Sort of a detective-style mystery puzzler - in which you fill in the gaps of various crimes by deducing elements of crime scenes. A high recommend, best puzzler I’ve played since Lorelei & the Laser Eyes

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 566


Finally beat Nine Sols, after a couple of weeks getting smoked by the final boss! Practice makes perfect, finally got her done after what felt like 100s of attempts. Proud to say I didn’t drop the difficult and managed to beat her on Standard/normal mode! It was a hard lesson though in terms of just how important exploration is…. And my lack of this meant being severely underpowered upon reaching ‘the point of no return’ - which lead to an even rougher ride with the last boss. An amazing game though, like a 2D-Sekiro. If you love MV titles and Souls difficulty, Nine Sols is an easy recommend.

Now playing the excellent Loco-Motive, a point-click game that clearly wears its Lucasarts influences on its sleeves. About a third through and loving it - the VA work and art style is really great. Maybe a tad on the easy side, although a few puzzles have had me scratching my head for a bit. Maybe feels a bit easy due to Lorelei being the last game I played from this genre, which was remarkably tough!

After Loco-Motive I’m torn between starting the new Ender Lillies sequel or instead Rise of Golden Idol…‘can’t quite decide!

Re: Why Hasn't Sony Done Anything with Bloodborne? Shuhei Yoshida Has a Theory


@ear_wig 100% right? Also the assumed PS6 launch date will likely coincide with the rumoured Bloodborne movie… allowing Sony plenty of cross-media synergy (they’ve shown they like to do this, eg TLoU remasters and TV show)

Also these extra years between ‘now’ and launch allow for some extra justification concerning the existence of the remake… not to mention that fans are desperate! (I include myself here)

I’m excited for the quality that Bluepoint will bring to the table, especially with next gen tech

Happy to wait for this tbh, and would rather a full scale remake in a few years va a 60fps patch today

Re: Game of the Year: #5 - Balatro


I think it’s placing is fair, as your mileage will vary depending on your genre comparability (deck games are still relatively niche in mainstream…. Maybe not the same ‘universal’ appeal as something like Astro)

For me personally, it was actually my no.1 this year … but I adore games like Spire, Inscryption etc + I actually play poker IRL.
My top 3 would be Balatro (1) , Nine Sols (2) , Lorelei (3)

I think it would be criminal for Balatro to not be placed ‘somewhere’ in most top 10 lists for the year, but I appreciate the ranking may vary. Been a strong year, and very genre diverse

Re: PEGI Won't Budge on Balatro's Ridiculously Bloated European Age Rating


I mean... I kind of see it from both sides, and as a Poker player (IRL) I can see how Balatro could be seen as somewhat of a 'gateway drug' into the real world of poker playing and gambling. HOWEVER - I absolutely believe that ratings need to be reviewed for other games, example in case FIFA series, where real loot box mechanics exist.

The 18 cert probably hasn't harmed Balatro sales though, with the notoriety and additional publicity likely facilitating some great exposure.

On a side-note... I am curious to how many Balatro players/owners are actually under the age of 18? I wasn't sure if this game would be able to permeate the sub-18 crowd, who I'd imagine are more bound by live-service/annual release titles like Fortnite, COD, FIFA etc??

Re: Elden Ring: Nightreign Network Test to Take Place in February on PS5


I genuinely hope to be proven wrong here, but for me personally - this is not something I would have wanted FromSoft to have pursued. For the longest time, FromSoft have been a great bastion of 'identity strength' and put forward such a strong foot in their uncompromising approach to curating their portfolios. With Elden Ring, I feel they almost achieved the impossible - by catering for long-term fans + managing to on-board many newcomers to the genre. Sekiro remains one of my favorite games of all time, and I even had a blast with AC6.

Nightreign though...... just reeks a little bit of a 'corporate suits directive', working to chase recent co-op successes like Helldivers2, splicing in Rogue elements and even a smidge of Monster Hunter. Having pre-set 'hero' builds also just makes me die inside a little, when build-diversity and personalisation is such a key facet of From's games (less Sekiro of course).

I do appreciate From not going down the MTX/Live-Service route.... but this is one of the rare occasions where I actually think this game would benefit from such. I'm definitely notn sold on committing to an outright purchase (at assumedly approx ~50 $USD or circa). A F2P model might actually encourage more players to dip the toe in the water, as opposed to turning people off by an up-front price point (Concord....?)

My Christmas wish would have been for FromSoft to invest time/resource into patching in their own 'official/native' version of the well-known Seamless Co-Op mod being used by PC players (effectively allows a full co-op playthrough for entire game) and implementing cross-play alongside such. I think that would have been enough for long-term ER fans, and yielded a great deal more investment from the installed base.

I'm actually pleased to see Miyazaki has farmed this job out to another employee, which suggests he will be/is working on the next big game....

Like I say, I am genuinely willing this game to be a success - and will always root for FromSoftware - but this to me just seems like a wild mis-step, in the spirit of trend chasing (Something that From certainly does not need to do!)

Re: Black Myth: Wukong Fans Swing at Swen Vincke Speech, Review Bomb Baldur's Gate 3


BMW is a ‘fine enough’ game… but nothing ground breaking in my opinion, moreso a cocktail of clear inspirations from other genres/games. BG3 it certainly ain’t…! (A very worthy GOTY)

Whilst Astro wasn’t my personal pick this year (#1 Balatro, #2 Nine Sols, #3 Lorelei) I’m personally really pleased Astro won. It’s a great game, and a brilliant example of ‘fun for all the family’ - immaculately presented also and making great use of the hardware. Nice to see a bit of competition vs Nintendo in this regard, who would usually monopolise this genre. The Astro dev speech was great as well, calling out Big N as a clear influence (I like that kind of thing)

The sore loser discourse from the BMW team however, just pathetic

Re: Elden Ring: Nightreign Will Not Have Crossplay


@Xbox_Dashboard This is probably one of the few examples ever where I think the product they are pitching would actually BENEFIT from being pushed out as a F2P/live-service. Personally, the idea of spending a 'standalone' premium £££ on this concept has me a little cold. I would have liked the chance to jump in via a F2P model, and discern from that if it is 'for me' or not.

Why on earth are From not investing resources instead in making the 'seamless co-op' mod a native/built-in official update patch? That would be so awesome.

I really hope they pull it off, but this doesn't feel like the FromSoft I know and love. I'm all for innovation, but this seems like a push from the corporate suits upstairs - in an effort to capitalise on the good-will and branding associated with ER

Re: Elden Ring: Nightreign Will Not Have Crossplay


I absolutely hate to say this, especially as a loyal advocate of 'all things FromSoft', but I feel that this endeavour is a big mis-step for the studio.

For me, they have always been uncompromising in delivering on a clear vision.... maintaining a consistent quality output, for a core fanbase.

Nightreign (dreadful name also, right?) seems like a real trend-chase, almost like a mish-mash of Hades/Helldivers/MonsterHunter..... I'm cringing at the very thought of Fromsoft utilising 'skins' and having pre-determined hero builds.

For my 2 cents - it would have been AMAZING if they had instead worked to create a native/official version of the already existing 'seamless co-op' mod available for PC players... and also made this cross-play. Just imagine how great that would have been!

Re: Elden Ring: Nightreign Explained, Can Be Played in Single Player and Offline


I'm certainly not going to write this off until we understand more... but initially I'm a little disappointed that From is going down this route, as it reeks a little bit of 'trend chasing'.

IMO, From have always been a great example of an 'identity-based' studio - very confident in their output, which has a distinct feel and a core audience.

With Elden Ring (base game) I thought they did a brilliant job in walking a tough line - managing to appease the hardcore fans, whilst onboarding newcomers to the genre.

However - Nightreign seems like they are wanting to ride the wave of recent successes like Helldivers/SpaceMarine etc (with even a bit of a MH flavour...).

I appreciate that Miyazaki has farmed this one out to a protege, assumedly whilst the former works on the next 'mainline' From game, but nonetheless this just doesn't feel right to me.

I honestly hope I am pleasantly surprised, but this to me is not From's wheelhouse.... and my expectations are well and truly tempered.

NB. - What I would have loved to have seen instead = FromSoft working to patch in their own native/official version of the 'seamless co-op' online mod, allowing for cross-play also if possible. I think that would have landed spectacularly with audiences, especially considering how popular the mod is with PC players.

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate The Game Awards 2024?


TGA is a fun time, maybe best watched in 'chunks' though as opposed to live.... I look forward to it each year, and glad we have something to cap off the gaming calendar.

Honestly - and this may actually be hugely unpopular opinion... - I think the Game Awards results were generally pretty fair!

Astro wasn't my personal GOTY, but I like the fact it managed to take the main award - alongside the various other awards it pulled.

Great to see Balatro sweep a few also.

Some of the announcements were genuinely exciting I thought - the new Elden Ring rougelike/co-op title seems quite ambitious, and I'm really keen to see how From handle that. Witcher4 also looks pretty awesome... and new Ninja Gaiden for Switch? Yes please.

My largest bone of contention still is the nomination of Erdtree.... even moreso that it didn't win, almost making its inclusion somewhat pointless?! Unless it was just to garner more hype for the new co-op game en route?

Would have been nice to have seen Nine Sols get nominated, but I appreciate the console release was too late (even though it came out on Steam during summer).

For the record, my personal top 3 this year: 1) Balatro 2) Nine Sols 3) lorelei and the Laser Eyes

Fun award show, and I continue to salute Geoff for putting this thing on every year... irrespective of the contentious discourse!

Re: Indie Phenomenon Balatro Passes Another Impressive Sales Milestone


Delighted for the team behind this...!

Balatro is my personal GOTY, and I'm thrilled to see it nominated for the 'big league' award later (not just relegated to the Indie nominations)

I don't suspect it will win out, especially with stiff competition from Astro & Rebirth, but am hopeful in that the exposure and nomination itself will yield increased interest/sales for Balatro.

Still unsure how I feel about Erdtree being in the mix, and the rule changing/bending/breaking to accomodate this (!)......However, these awards are generally a pretty fun time, and enjoyable as long as theyre not taken too seriously.

I hope Geoff continues this each year, genuinely look forward to it.

Re: Mini Review: Nine Sols (PS5) - The Best Metroidvania on the Market


This is a great game, but I’d probably only advocate it for those who enjoy games like Sekiro and Hollow Knight - where difficulty spikes and tough bosses are staples of those experiences. Whilst Nine Sols does have a ‘Story Mode’ (and difficulty slider options within this)… it sort of defeats the point of the game a bit. NS generally ‘is made for’ players wanting to overcome a tough challenge, and the ‘Standard’ normal mode is quite well balanced IMO

It is definitely one of the best MVs I’ve ever played, and would rank it comfortably with the new PoP, Hollow Knight,Blasphemous games, Metroid Dread etc

I perhaps favour NS slightly more due to the parry elements… being a huge Sekiro fan

Re: Metaphor: ReFantazio (PS5) - Brilliant, Memorable RPG Is One of Atlus' Finest Works


How accessible is this game for people who are completely cold/new to the ATLUS portfolio? I've never played the Persona/SMT titles, but Metaphor has really piqued my interest.

I'd never played a CRPG until last year (BG3) so I am definitely open to new genres.

But equally, I'm conscious that the game might take for granted that the player is reasonably fluent with other ATLUS mechanics/systems?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 545


Finally in the mood to begin Divinity: Original Sin 2…. Which has been in the Switch backlog for some time. I played BG3 last year, and adored it, so I’m really keen to get stuck into Larian’s predecessor game. Just yesterday I picked up D:OS2 on SteamDeck also, so I can double-dip on Switch and Deck thanks to cross-save functionality (I prefer to travel with Switch, as it’s a lot lighter with better battery- but at home I’d choose Deck due to optimisation and better graphical fidelity)

On the side, I’m playing MH World…. Mainly due to all the hype for Wilds! I put 800hrs into Rise, and am so far loving World. Very different, and IMO not quite as fun as Rise… but I’m still in Low Rank, so many of the new/DLC mechanics haven’t opened up yet. Hitting a GS True Charge Slash remains as satisfying as ever, albeit I still whiff 90% of them!!

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


So refreshing to see something a bit more niche, and a potential resurgence of a 'genre long-since forgotten'?!

As much as I adore the likes of Elden Ring, Hades etc... the gaming market right now seems to be over-saturated with Souls-like and Rogue titles, alongside Metroidvanias. Nothing wrong with those games, and I personally enjoy them all, but I also want to 'see something new'!

Nintendo seems to be the only contender in "the big 3" that still focusses on 3d platformers, so I'm delighted to see Sony back in the game also. Hopefully AB sells well.... could lead to a new Croc? Spyro? .... Jak?!

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Visions of Mana?


I like the series, and have very fond memories of 'Secret' on the SNES as a kid... maybe even my favorite SNES game ever actually. I also played the Trials remake on Switch during the pandemic, and had a good time with it.

Perhaps I've outgrown the series (or even the genre?) but nothing about this game 'excites' me. It looks to be the definition of a solid 7/10 game, but I just can't justify the time (or expense) during a period of other great releases.

Re: Astro Bot 2 Hinted at in PS5 Platinum Trophy Description


@PeakUnagi I know right? I'm definitely not crapping on those other games I mentioned, as 'objectively' they are a pool of amazing games (Especially Ghost) - but I really do feel that the industry in general needs to branch out more into other genres.

I love Elden Ring as much as the next guy/girl, but it seems nearly every other release these days is a souls-esque title... or developers are trying to chase that Fortnite/battle-royal secret sauce.

3D Platformers were such a popular genre at a point in time, and only Nintendo seems to commit to them in earnest still? Astro-bot landing well could reignite the genre? Might lead to a new Croc...!

Re: Astro Bot 2 Hinted at in PS5 Platinum Trophy Description


I really would like to see this title review well, and also sell well.

I commend Sony for stepping out into this arena, and looking to push a AAA 3d-platformer title - and a solid effort from the looks of things.

I am not contesting the quality of games like HFW, GoW:R, Ghost Tsushima, Uncharted etc etc... but its great to see Sony rumble in an arean that has previously been governed by Nintendo with the likes of Mario/Kirky etc.

So far, Astro looks to be of a similar quality to the 3D-Mario efforts... which is fantastic.

Fingers crossed it lands well!

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Black Myth: Wukong?


@DamzFX Great to hear your take on it, and please believe me that I am hugely supportive of the cultural impact/narrative of this game - and genuinely a pleasure to hear that it is 'doing justice' to the broader story at play.

For reference, I am UK British - so I can certainly appreciate the impetus of the cultural rhetoric... albeit I cannot really yield the fruits of this in regards to my own experience.

Objectively, this is definitely a solid game - but for me it just missed short of being 'great'... namely due to I felt it lacked a decisive identity. It felt very much a 'sum of parts' - part GoW / part Souls...

I felt like it was a perfectly tasty meal, but I had experienced all the core ingredients individually before - and served better! I liked a lot about it, but it lacked the X-Factor (for me) that its inspirations have (GoW / Souls / Nioh etc)

Re: Preview: Monster Hunter Wilds on PS5 Feels Like Another Generational Leap Forward for the Iconic Franchise


Looks incredible, but I do fear I'll miss the features added in Rise...

Currently playing World for the first time, after ploughing 800hrs into Rise (Achieving AR300 level, then put it down)

As a GS Main, I am really really missing my Power Sheathe, Surge Slash Combo, Hunting Edge etc. Feels strange to be fully reliant on TCS only, and I am definitely missing the wirebug mobility. World is absolutely gorgeous though, and maybe slightly more immersive than Rise.

Rise set a high benchmark for me though!

Re: A New Day, a New Bloodborne PS5 Rumour


@Stragen8 I completely agree - a full-scale 'from the ground up' remake of Bloodborne as a PS6 launch title would be a huge system-seller.

People are crying out for something like this, and Sony's exclusivity over the game would make it such a valuable IP to have during the next console 'war' (assuming XBox doesn't just become a GamePass ecosystem...!)

Bluepoint could already be working on this in theory? Been very quiet since Sony's buyout of BP, so fingers crossed

Re: Black Myth: Wukong (PS5) - A Spectacularly Creative Action Romp


Hate to say this, but I bounced off this game completely…. And actually just returned/refunded via Steam.

Objectively I can appreciate its solid enough, but it just doesn’t seem to understand ‘what it is’? Not quite a Soulslike, but not quite a RPG either…. Far too linear to be considered open-roaming, yet still includes branching paths? A skill tree system that is somewhat convoluted?

It seemed a bit like someone created a mix of Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne and Nioh? For me it just lacked an actually identity, and seems a bit unsure of what it’s going for.

I heard someone recently weigh it up against Lies of P - which is certainly somewhat derivative, but clearly understands what it is and what’s it’s going for.

I’m glad that BMW is landing well, but it didn’t do it for me at all

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Opening Will Make Inquisition's Finale Look 'Like a Minor Inconvenience'


I really really hope this is good, and just wish the PR-machine would ‘take a breath’ before spilling more information. A release date, alongside more gameplay footage and/or a proper trailer, would be highly welcome.

In the wake of BG3 and Elden Ring, there still exists a huge appetite for high fantasy games & settings… i sincerely hope this can measure up

I haven’t ever played the series, but am well ready for someone a bit new

Re: Elden Ring 'Really the Limit' for How Large FromSoftware's Games Can Be


I’m honestly good with this. I think From struggled a bit with the open-world nature of the DLC, and working to populate it efficiently with adequate rewards (cookbooks…!)

A more linear experience would be welcomed by me, even to the extent of something completely streamlined like Lies of P.

From did it well with Sekiro I think, which in essence is quite linear… albeit later game has branching paths, giving some player agency in regards to what order to tackle which task etc

I’d like to see their take on Souls gunplay, maybe leaning into Remnant/Surge style tropes. Armored Core meets Dark Souls…?

But ultimately I’m glad that ER2 isn’t the next project.

Re: Streaming Superstar Kai Cenat Campaigns for Bloodborne on PS5, PC


@Mikey856 I genuinely think it is on the cards. The movie being early in development is such a 'green light' for me on this one...

PS6 Launch title, tied with movie release, developed by Bluepoint. Limited/timed exclusive on PS, before a port to PC later down the line.

That would absolutely print money, especially if Elden Ring was referenced in the marketing material.

Re: Streaming Superstar Kai Cenat Campaigns for Bloodborne on PS5, PC


Absolutely on the cards, another Bluepoint special - likely to tie in also with the forthcoming movie/TV tie-in… in typical Sony fashion!

As much as a 60FPS patch and up-scale would be great, I’d rather the resources were ploughed into a full scale remake- imagine how awesome it’ll be as a PS6 poster child!

Good on Kai though for using his platform to spread awareness. I’m certainly not his target demographic, nor am I fully aware of what he does, but I understand he has significant reach via social platforms…. And anyone that preaches BB is OK by me!

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


I'm not sick of the genre per se.... but I am sick of how over-saturated the market is with very average (or below average) games that fall within this bracket.

The quality seems to be far outweighed by quantity, with so many souls-like games striving for greatness - but instead ending up as quite forgettable.

It doesn't help that FromSoft have set the highest of standards also, making it difficulties for other devs to stand out in the crowd.

I'll certainly gives Lies of P its due though - a remarkable effort, and could easily be mistaken for an item in From's portfolio

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Big Patch 7 Delayed, Highlights Teased


@Dragoon1994 I feel you...

I played it on Steamdeck, but my 256GB LCD couldn't even download onto the SSD - because it requires an additional ~100GB 'placeholder' space on top of the needed actual game-space of 160GB!

Had to grab a 512GB SD Card.

It is such a cool game though, really excellent.