Comments 596

Re: Tides of Annihilation Proving Popular After State of Play Reveal


I think it looks okay, but in the way I thought Stellar Blade was "okay", as in it perhaps takes a little too much inspiration from its piers without doing anything particularly exciting of its own. Case with this being DMC. I'm not loving the vague fantasy setting; also being a Brit, the voice-work is grating for me. But the combat does look fun.

Hopefully there's a demo on the horizon so I can test it out for myself.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Sniper Elite: Resistance?


@BusyOlf My thoughts exactly. I know the series is long in the tooth at this point, but they can at least try to innovate or even just perfect their formula by now; this just smacks of laziness.

I'd love it if the next "proper" instalment moves out of WWII. Still, I did love that our Danny Dyer mannequin man also sounded like a not so subtle Jason Statham rip-off.

"Ahhh long grass, itchy.... but stealthy!"

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Release Date Leaked on PS Store


@graymamba It's closer to something like the Demon's Souls or Shadows of the Colossus remakes than RE. Gameplay wise it's going to remain largely the same (with some QoL improvements); with a "modern" style that is more close to the MGS 3 HD edition or even MGS V.

But yeah; level design, mission structure and voice acting is lifted from the original.

Re: Mini Review: Ninja Gaiden 2 Black (PS5) - Fun Slasher Shows Its Age


@JohnKasarinlan OK I did that; tried Mentor and Master Ninja and... it's just the same game, only more frustrating. Warrior was the perfect balance for me and I had fun with it, despite the shonky camera and sticky jumping. It's a great game - probably a 7.5 for me - but it does show its age quite a bit, and those last few missions where the environments become very ugly and the enemies/bosses monotonous, is a chore.

Re: Former Rockstar Animator Doubtful GTA 6 Will Run at 60fps on PS5


OK cool, and I'm doubtful that he's doubtful. We are talking about a "former" animator at Rockstar so maybe he's not privy to what's going on under the current iteration of their engine. Who knows, they may pull 60fps out the bag; perhaps with the help of the Pro.

OK so maybe it'll be running internally at 1080p and then upscaled. But I don't think it's impossible. The PS5 is still a beefy machine

Re: Resident Evil 6 Appears Set for a PS5 Port


@DennisReynolds I don't feel it's overblown at all. Even if you take the game at face value, and don't see it as a mainline entry, you're still left with a mediocre action game at best: with dreadful level design and dumbfounding bullet sponge bosses that never end. Having your aim be purposely be all over the place (with very little meaningful upgrades); being constantly knocked on your arse; QTEs that made me want to rip my hair out. The fish boss and snow mobile sections can seriously do one.

Thing is it positioned itself as a sort of DMC with guns, but you're so woefully understocked with ammo that it just isn't fun at all. It just sort of limps along. The campaign is almost a challenge in of itself - just getting to the end without giving up due to sheer boredom and exhaustion.

I am glad for one thing; its existence meant that Capcom pivoted and we have the RE we do now.

Re: Housemarque Recruits PlatinumGames Dev of 11 Years as Lead Designer on Next PS5 Game


@czDante92 No it was a snide remark that isn't relevant to this topic. It's also comparing an overtly sexual character (not sexualised, like say Stellar Blade, but a character who is empowered by her sexuality and has agency) to a character who is literally just an astronaut; the focus is on her being a mother and a space explorer, not meant to be ogled at.

Some people on this site really have trouble seeing beyond surface level.