The worst part is that, SOMEHOW, a lot of these games have platinum trophies, cheapening the reward and basically throwing the whole "gamerscore" idea out the window. You're quite literally paying a couple quid for a platinum. Needs to be stopped.
I can't say that I'm interested in yet another AC game, but I will say this... the visuals look utterly exquisite. The character animation and environmental detail is to be admired even if the game itself doesn't do anything particularly new.
Yep I think this will have to be a "wait till it's fixed" situation for me; even with the Pro I feel like a bit of time will iron things out (similar to DD 2)
Plus KC II is going to be my priority for the next few weeks at least.
3 needs to be a huge leap for me to buy into. I was kinda hoping that was the case with 2 but it was more of the same. C'mon Insomniac, don't rest on your laurels for the trilogy closer!
I think it looks okay, but in the way I thought Stellar Blade was "okay", as in it perhaps takes a little too much inspiration from its piers without doing anything particularly exciting of its own. Case with this being DMC. I'm not loving the vague fantasy setting; also being a Brit, the voice-work is grating for me. But the combat does look fun.
Hopefully there's a demo on the horizon so I can test it out for myself.
I think if they can balance the original's balls-to-the-wall action and MP3's slower paced, weightier feel (cover mechanics to boot), but with a huge dollop of Remedy's (even more) weird atmosphere and meta humour they've grown since Control and AWII, then this could be something special.
@Kraven Just a heads up though if you do pick NG+ you're kept at the difficulty you finished. So if you wanted to move up to a harder one you have to start from the beginning. A real pain as I'm having no luck on Mentor difficulty, so I might just throw the towel in
@BusyOlf My thoughts exactly. I know the series is long in the tooth at this point, but they can at least try to innovate or even just perfect their formula by now; this just smacks of laziness.
I'd love it if the next "proper" instalment moves out of WWII. Still, I did love that our Danny Dyer mannequin man also sounded like a not so subtle Jason Statham rip-off.
@graymamba It's closer to something like the Demon's Souls or Shadows of the Colossus remakes than RE. Gameplay wise it's going to remain largely the same (with some QoL improvements); with a "modern" style that is more close to the MGS 3 HD edition or even MGS V.
But yeah; level design, mission structure and voice acting is lifted from the original.
@JohnKasarinlan OK I did that; tried Mentor and Master Ninja and... it's just the same game, only more frustrating. Warrior was the perfect balance for me and I had fun with it, despite the shonky camera and sticky jumping. It's a great game - probably a 7.5 for me - but it does show its age quite a bit, and those last few missions where the environments become very ugly and the enemies/bosses monotonous, is a chore.
@Smash41 No way. BFV started out in a rough place but is the best one by far now; and still looks incredible all these years later. BF1 was also great.
Stop encouraging what... to keep the series going? I'd rather have this than CoD any day.
@BranJ0 Yup exactly. I wouldn't say they're exactly glowing across the board. Especially for a series of this heritage. I don't think it's honestly a game that will be fun on consoles. Just can't see it translating well.
Well this is a pleasant surprise. A massive open world using the gorgeous Cry engine, and running above 60fps with VRR on the Pro? Need more games like this that can do this please!
@DrVenture69 Just finished it myself and it's closer to a 9 for me than an 8. It's much better than the first game and overall quite friendly to non-hardcore Metroidvania lovers (though I did have to turn to a guide a couple times to see where to go next).
Took about 20hrs to finish so it's the perfect length too.
Cool, now that it's almost a year old. can we get some serious gameplay additions? I dunno like a raid mode or something?
Oh and the one thing I keep fantasising about - subterranean missions where you deep dive to take out a mega nest with some super-boss at the end? I'll keep dreaming.
OK cool, and I'm doubtful that he's doubtful. We are talking about a "former" animator at Rockstar so maybe he's not privy to what's going on under the current iteration of their engine. Who knows, they may pull 60fps out the bag; perhaps with the help of the Pro.
OK so maybe it'll be running internally at 1080p and then upscaled. But I don't think it's impossible. The PS5 is still a beefy machine
I work in the film industry and we've just had seven people laid off and they gave the EXACT same reasoning: "Targeted Restructuring". Even though our profits are increasing year-on-year.
@Medic_alert 4 and 5 are leaps and bounds ahead of those ones. It's probably at 4 where the game "clicked" and they've basically been iterating on that formula since. Seriously give 4 a go at least; you can get it for peanuts.
I actually had this on the original Dreamcast back in the day and it really was a superb RPG. But if a remaster of sorts is on the cards, they really need to add quality of life improvements; mainly for how slow the battles were (the general flow and loading into a fights). It got really annoying after 50 hours or so.
@RoomWithaMoose Completely agree. Something about PB0 felt off, just like Wukong. Then along comes this to remind us how the experts of this genre do it and I'm like... yeah, THAT's what's missing.
Really hope they streamline it a bit more. Let's have a lean, mean sprint to the finish line. I really liked Rebirth but man, did it suffer from excessive bloat!
Also I'm really not jelling with the story this time round; I think it's time Nomura took a long vacation and stay far away from FF in future haha.
@DennisReynolds I don't feel it's overblown at all. Even if you take the game at face value, and don't see it as a mainline entry, you're still left with a mediocre action game at best: with dreadful level design and dumbfounding bullet sponge bosses that never end. Having your aim be purposely be all over the place (with very little meaningful upgrades); being constantly knocked on your arse; QTEs that made me want to rip my hair out. The fish boss and snow mobile sections can seriously do one.
Thing is it positioned itself as a sort of DMC with guns, but you're so woefully understocked with ammo that it just isn't fun at all. It just sort of limps along. The campaign is almost a challenge in of itself - just getting to the end without giving up due to sheer boredom and exhaustion.
I am glad for one thing; its existence meant that Capcom pivoted and we have the RE we do now.
@Kidfunkadelic83 The screen tearing is utterly abysmal and borderline unplayable. I'm playing it on the Pro and luckily the 120fps mode fixes that issue; but then you get the washed out colours so....
Novel concept aside, there are just too many elements that are going against this: Gary Dauberman, a terrible screenwriter with a CV full of dreck; and Screen Gems, who only really put out trash for the most part.
Still, Lights Out and Annabel Creation weren't terrible titles from Sandberg. So we'll see. Better be rated R.
@Fiendish-Beaver Can I ask, as a physical buyer myself, what makes you choose digital primarily, despite the drawbacks such as high cost and not being able to trade in/sell etc? I'm genuinely curious because I see more and more people switch to digital, I just can't do it myself.
I just don't have enough disposable cash to buy THAT many games at £69.99 a pop.
@czDante92 No it was a snide remark that isn't relevant to this topic. It's also comparing an overtly sexual character (not sexualised, like say Stellar Blade, but a character who is empowered by her sexuality and has agency) to a character who is literally just an astronaut; the focus is on her being a mother and a space explorer, not meant to be ogled at.
Some people on this site really have trouble seeing beyond surface level.
Genius designer joins genius developer, it's a match made in heaven! Returnal is still up there as one of PS5's strongest exclusives; stellar game. Can't wait to see what they come up with.
@Darude84 It's definitely an improvement, though the bar wasn't exactly high to begin with. At least now it has a proper extendable mic so you don't like you're underwater anymore.
Comments 596
Re: Just Six Months After Space Marine 2's Launch, Space Marine 3 Has Been Announced
Wow they ain't hanging about are they. SM2 must've sold really well. Let's hope we get an evolution of the second game and not a 2.5
Re: Next PS5 Battlefield Gameplay Floods Internet, Remains Online
Yep this looks like the BF we know and love. Slower pace, smaller maps and fantastic sound design!
Re: As Fans Eagerly Await Updates on GTA 6, Rockstar Promotes New Danny Dyer Film
@Deljo There's such thing as a good Danny Dyer film?
Re: PS5, PS4 Fans Baffled by Sony's Decision to Promote Shovelware
The worst part is that, SOMEHOW, a lot of these games have platinum trophies, cheapening the reward and basically throwing the whole "gamerscore" idea out the window. You're quite literally paying a couple quid for a platinum. Needs to be stopped.
Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Gameplay Goes In-Depth on Combat, Stealth, Character Progression
I can't say that I'm interested in yet another AC game, but I will say this... the visuals look utterly exquisite. The character animation and environmental detail is to be admired even if the game itself doesn't do anything particularly new.
Re: Free PS5 Upgrade for Indie Hit Sayonara Wild Hearts' Newest Version
I's no longer on Extra for me and asking to purchase the PS5 version?
Re: Monster Hunter Wilds (PS5) - A Timeless Formula Refined to Near Perfection
Yep I think this will have to be a "wait till it's fixed" situation for me; even with the Pro I feel like a bit of time will iron things out (similar to DD 2)
Plus KC II is going to be my priority for the next few weeks at least.
EDIT: DF analysis is up
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 3 Speculation Intensifies After Star Offers Brief PS5 Threequel Tease
3 needs to be a huge leap for me to buy into. I was kinda hoping that was the case with 2 but it was more of the same. C'mon Insomniac, don't rest on your laurels for the trilogy closer!
Re: Terminator 2's T-1000 Keeps on Trucking in Gory Mortal Kombat 1 PS5 Gameplay
It's nice they've kept Robert Patrick, but damn you can hear the age in his voice.
Hope he asks where the galleria is.
Re: Rumour: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4 Will Launch on PS5 During Xbox's Summer Showcase
Let's see how many songs they can keep in THPS 3 cos the soundtrack is literally perfect.
Re: Tides of Annihilation Proving Popular After State of Play Reveal
I think it looks okay, but in the way I thought Stellar Blade was "okay", as in it perhaps takes a little too much inspiration from its piers without doing anything particularly exciting of its own. Case with this being DMC. I'm not loving the vague fantasy setting; also being a Brit, the voice-work is grating for me. But the combat does look fun.
Hopefully there's a demo on the horizon so I can test it out for myself.
Re: Tides of Annihilation Looks Like PS5's Next Big Thing in Outrageous Extended Gameplay
DMC combat? I think I'm gonna enjoy this way more than Stellar Blade.
Re: Max Payne PS5 Remakes Enter 'Full Production' in Latest Remedy Update
I think if they can balance the original's balls-to-the-wall action and MP3's slower paced, weightier feel (cover mechanics to boot), but with a huge dollop of Remedy's (even more) weird atmosphere and meta humour they've grown since Control and AWII, then this could be something special.
Re: Massive PS5 Update Gives You Reason to Replay Ninja Gaiden 2 Black
@Kraven Just a heads up though if you do pick NG+ you're kept at the difficulty you finished. So if you wanted to move up to a harder one you have to start from the beginning. A real pain as I'm having no luck on Mentor difficulty, so I might just throw the towel in
Re: Helldivers 2 Got a Significant PS5 Pro Upgrade and the Dev Didn't Say Anything
I dunno man; the upgrades feel minor to me. Significant would be a 120hz mode and implementing better AA.
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Sniper Elite: Resistance?
@BusyOlf My thoughts exactly. I know the series is long in the tooth at this point, but they can at least try to innovate or even just perfect their formula by now; this just smacks of laziness.
I'd love it if the next "proper" instalment moves out of WWII. Still, I did love that our Danny Dyer mannequin man also sounded like a not so subtle Jason Statham rip-off.
"Ahhh long grass, itchy.... but stealthy!"
Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Release Date Leaked on PS Store
@graymamba It's closer to something like the Demon's Souls or Shadows of the Colossus remakes than RE. Gameplay wise it's going to remain largely the same (with some QoL improvements); with a "modern" style that is more close to the MGS 3 HD edition or even MGS V.
But yeah; level design, mission structure and voice acting is lifted from the original.
Re: Rumour: Devil May Cry Remake Supposedly Outed by Vergil Voice Actor
Mallet Island is still my fave DMC location so seeing that spruced up in RE engine would be fab! But would just as happily take a DMC 3 remake.
Re: Mini Review: Ninja Gaiden 2 Black (PS5) - Fun Slasher Shows Its Age
@JohnKasarinlan OK I did that; tried Mentor and Master Ninja and... it's just the same game, only more frustrating. Warrior was the perfect balance for me and I had fun with it, despite the shonky camera and sticky jumping. It's a great game - probably a 7.5 for me - but it does show its age quite a bit, and those last few missions where the environments become very ugly and the enemies/bosses monotonous, is a chore.
Re: Battlefield Labs Revealed, a New Test for Next Battlefield Game
@Blauwe_Chimay Yes started all the way back with 1942 on PC. Sorry I should've clarified the best one that I can access on my PS5!
Re: Battlefield Labs Revealed, a New Test for Next Battlefield Game
@Smash41 No way. BFV started out in a rough place but is the best one by far now; and still looks incredible all these years later. BF1 was also great.
Stop encouraging what... to keep the series going? I'd rather have this than CoD any day.
Re: Round Up: Civilization 7 Reviews Are Glowing Ahead of PS5 Launch
@BranJ0 Yup exactly. I wouldn't say they're exactly glowing across the board. Especially for a series of this heritage. I don't think it's honestly a game that will be fun on consoles. Just can't see it translating well.
Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 a Technical Powerhouse on PS5 Pro, Says Digital Foundry
Well this is a pleasant surprise. A massive open world using the gorgeous Cry engine, and running above 60fps with VRR on the Pro? Need more games like this that can do this please!
Re: Mini Review: Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist (PS5) - Peak Metroidvania Action
@DrVenture69 Just finished it myself and it's closer to a 9 for me than an 8. It's much better than the first game and overall quite friendly to non-hardcore Metroidvania lovers (though I did have to turn to a guide a couple times to see where to go next).
Took about 20hrs to finish so it's the perfect length too.
Re: Helldivers 2 Will Live As Long As You Keep Fighting for Super Earth
Cool, now that it's almost a year old. can we get some serious gameplay additions? I dunno like a raid mode or something?
Oh and the one thing I keep fantasising about - subterranean missions where you deep dive to take out a mega nest with some super-boss at the end? I'll keep dreaming.
Re: Former Rockstar Animator Doubtful GTA 6 Will Run at 60fps on PS5
@Hyena_socks I'm not sure getting satisfaction from "orphaning 100 children" is something I would publicly state xD
I don't think GTA has kids in it anyway so you might be disappointed.
Re: Former Rockstar Animator Doubtful GTA 6 Will Run at 60fps on PS5
OK cool, and I'm doubtful that he's doubtful. We are talking about a "former" animator at Rockstar so maybe he's not privy to what's going on under the current iteration of their engine. Who knows, they may pull 60fps out the bag; perhaps with the help of the Pro.
OK so maybe it'll be running internally at 1080p and then upscaled. But I don't think it's impossible. The PS5 is still a beefy machine
Re: Studio Closure, Layoffs at Ubisoft in 'Targeted Restructuring'
I work in the film industry and we've just had seven people laid off and they gave the EXACT same reasoning: "Targeted Restructuring". Even though our profits are increasing year-on-year.
Re: Sniper Elite: Resistance (PS5) - Much More of a Good Thing
@Medic_alert 4 and 5 are leaps and bounds ahead of those ones. It's probably at 4 where the game "clicked" and they've basically been iterating on that formula since. Seriously give 4 a go at least; you can get it for peanuts.
Re: A PS5 Re-Release of SEGA RPG Classic Skies of Arcadia No Longer Seems Up in the Air
I actually had this on the original Dreamcast back in the day and it really was a superb RPG. But if a remaster of sorts is on the cards, they really need to add quality of life improvements; mainly for how slow the battles were (the general flow and loading into a fights). It got really annoying after 50 hours or so.
Re: Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Remasters an Action Classic, Out Now on PS5
Looks slick, but 40 quid is a massive sting in the tail. I can't honestly support this pricing decision. Will wait for deep sale.
Re: Ninja Gaiden 4 Announced, Slashes to PS5 This Year with PlatinumGames Co-Developing
@RoomWithaMoose Completely agree. Something about PB0 felt off, just like Wukong. Then along comes this to remind us how the experts of this genre do it and I'm like... yeah, THAT's what's missing.
Re: Ninja Gaiden 4 Announced, Slashes to PS5 This Year with PlatinumGames Co-Developing
Oh. My. God.
Two titans teaming up. This could very well be their DMCV; total vindication and penance for Ninja Gaiden 3!
Re: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Story Now Complete, Game Is on Schedule
@PuppetMaster Ohhh my bad thanks. Shows you how little I know of who does what lol.
Re: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Story Now Complete, Game Is on Schedule
Really hope they streamline it a bit more. Let's have a lean, mean sprint to the finish line. I really liked Rebirth but man, did it suffer from excessive bloat!
Also I'm really not jelling with the story this time round; I think it's time Nomura took a long vacation and stay far away from FF in future haha.
Re: PS5 Console Exclusive Phantom Blade Zero Looks Mind Blowingly Good in Stunning Gameplay Trailer
Oh hell yeah I was not expecting DOOM music to kick in. Am sold.
Re: One of GBA's Rarer Games Will Soon Be Readily Available on PS5, PS4
"Just" $24.99. Good joke!
Re: Resident Evil 6 Appears Set for a PS5 Port
@DennisReynolds I don't feel it's overblown at all. Even if you take the game at face value, and don't see it as a mainline entry, you're still left with a mediocre action game at best: with dreadful level design and dumbfounding bullet sponge bosses that never end. Having your aim be purposely be all over the place (with very little meaningful upgrades); being constantly knocked on your arse; QTEs that made me want to rip my hair out. The fish boss and snow mobile sections can seriously do one.
Thing is it positioned itself as a sort of DMC with guns, but you're so woefully understocked with ammo that it just isn't fun at all. It just sort of limps along. The campaign is almost a challenge in of itself - just getting to the end without giving up due to sheer boredom and exhaustion.
I am glad for one thing; its existence meant that Capcom pivoted and we have the RE we do now.
Re: Resident Evil 6 Appears Set for a PS5 Port
RE6 already had a remaster of sorts on PS4 and it made the game look even uglier somehow. I can't see how a PS5 version would look any better.
Oh also, as a fan of the series since 1996, the game is TOTAL RUBBISH.
Re: Conan the Barbarian Slices Heads Off in Mortal Kombat 1 Next Week
@Nepp67 Yup. Felt like a massive step back from 11. They're just treading water at this point.
Re: Dev Knows Path of Exile 2's Endgame Is 'Too Severe', Says It's 'Important'
@Kidfunkadelic83 The screen tearing is utterly abysmal and borderline unplayable. I'm playing it on the Pro and luckily the 120fps mode fixes that issue; but then you get the washed out colours so....
Re: Until Dawn Movie First Look Reveals Twist on PS5, PS4 Game's Choices
Novel concept aside, there are just too many elements that are going against this: Gary Dauberman, a terrible screenwriter with a CV full of dreck; and Screen Gems, who only really put out trash for the most part.
Still, Lights Out and Annabel Creation weren't terrible titles from Sandberg. So we'll see. Better be rated R.
Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Delayed Again, Now Out 20th March
@ShogunRok Yep, March is practically a wasteland so this makes sense. Who wants to place bets that there'll still be a hefty day one patch though.
Re: The State of the UK's Physical Games Market Might Explain PS5 Pro's Lack of Disc Drive
@Fiendish-Beaver Can I ask, as a physical buyer myself, what makes you choose digital primarily, despite the drawbacks such as high cost and not being able to trade in/sell etc? I'm genuinely curious because I see more and more people switch to digital, I just can't do it myself.
I just don't have enough disposable cash to buy THAT many games at £69.99 a pop.
Re: Housemarque Recruits PlatinumGames Dev of 11 Years as Lead Designer on Next PS5 Game
@czDante92 No it was a snide remark that isn't relevant to this topic. It's also comparing an overtly sexual character (not sexualised, like say Stellar Blade, but a character who is empowered by her sexuality and has agency) to a character who is literally just an astronaut; the focus is on her being a mother and a space explorer, not meant to be ogled at.
Some people on this site really have trouble seeing beyond surface level.
Re: Housemarque Recruits PlatinumGames Dev of 11 Years as Lead Designer on Next PS5 Game
@Dalamar What an utterly moronic statement.
Re: Housemarque Recruits PlatinumGames Dev of 11 Years as Lead Designer on Next PS5 Game
Genius designer joins genius developer, it's a match made in heaven! Returnal is still up there as one of PS5's strongest exclusives; stellar game. Can't wait to see what they come up with.
Re: PS5 Accessories to Get New Midnight Black Colourway, Pre-Order from 16th January
@Darude84 It's definitely an improvement, though the bar wasn't exactly high to begin with. At least now it has a proper extendable mic so you don't like you're underwater anymore.
Re: PS5 Accessories to Get New Midnight Black Colourway, Pre-Order from 16th January
Wish I didn't see this I already have the Pulse Elite and it's ugly as sin and this looks so much better.
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Is Now a Billion-Dollar Movie Franchise
Didn't the Mario film clear that with one realease?