Comments 273

Re: Alone in the Dark (PS5) - An Admirable Effort with One Too Many Flaws


Alone in the dark is the precursor of its genre, it was copied later by Resident Evil. Play this game for the nostalgia, it is a piece of history though the controls are really awful. Another similar game that would benefit a remake is Ecstatica, which is far more difficult than all From Software games put together!

Re: Sony Polls Players on Favourite Games That Aren't Bloodborne


@TheArt They copy/paste the same assets all over the place in an outdated graphics engine. It looks good and provides a nice atmosphere but it is more tweaking around like indie developers rather than the work of an army of artists and 200 millions dollars of budget. It is just a fact that Bloodborne is not at the same production level as GoW or GoT. That said, the gameplay in Bloodborne is certainly more interesting than GoT.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Is Up to Three Times Faster Than PS5 as Specs Surface


For me the only game changing technology will be the embedding of chips dedicated for AI. It would generalize the Sophy experience in GT7, it would also enable the game to learn from the player and adapt. It will be a new era in gaming. This is what I expect from a PS6. More underutilized graphics power is a waste of money. Games never looked so good but so uninspired and boring at the same time.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Is Up to Three Times Faster Than PS5 as Specs Surface


I don't believe at all these rumors. There is no customer need for a PS5 Pro or PS6 or whatsoever. Sony is already selling at loss the PS5 and we are aiming for a generation of low-fi games because spending hundreds of millions to release one game every 5 years is just unsustainable. As some people said above, nobody is asking for ray tracing when you are already craving for an interesting game to play.

Re: First Persona 3 Reload DLC Out Now, Adds Songs from Persona 5 and 4


Let me guess, is it like Persona 5 where you buy the DLC $30, and then after 100 hours of gameplay you realize that this new story you bought is locked out because you didn't speak to a NPC at the right time and nobody told you to do so? F... Atlus. Having a great Art direction is not synonym of making great games.

Re: Rise of the Ronin PS5 Trophy List Points Towards a Lot of Open World Work


I have already cleared so many thieves camps, activated so many towers, delivered more parcels than the whole FedEx company, farmed so many flowers and mushrooms than all the hippies in the 60ies, fast-traveled a billion times across so many empty territories.... why should I do that ... again? Open-world is just a big no for me. And if 75% of a game has to be ignored to be enjoyable, I want a 75% reduction on the price.

Re: Fans Discover Overlooked Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Reference


@Rhaoulos After spending hours to read the lore and story behind Elden Ring, I was like "all of this effort just for that?" and was happy that the game don't throw at you all that lore during the gameplay. Honestly the story and lore of the game is pretty much forgettable, it's far from being the core of the experience.

Re: Dune: Awakening Scorches in Stunning PS5 Survival Gameplay


I've just read an interview of the game director and he says that there will be no Fremens in the game or sand walking. Apparently it was a request from the movie production. So basically the challenge was to create a Dune game without Dune content. And GaaS of course....

Re: Dune: Awakening Scorches in Stunning PS5 Survival Gameplay


"ChatGPT, create me a sci-fi game with sand and worms". Looks ugly and generic. Nothing will ever beat the evocative power of the original Dune from Cryo Interactive, where everything just felt low-fi and uncivilized, I would say aboriginal and organic, like what you expect from exploring an unlivable desert.

Re: 900 PlayStation Employees Laid Off, London Studio Closed


When you see that a video game requires more budget than the biggest Hollywood movie and that it takes 5 years to produce, all of that for a small market in comparison, yeah there is a problem in this industry. Someone in another topic was complaining that From Software is milking their graphics engine and should move forward to something more impressive. Well, maybe it's because they don't have the money to hire thousands of people to create a new graphics engine, they know that they will never sell billions like Mario Kart, so maybe they are a little bit more savvy and smart how to manage a studio, which is probably why they are still alive in this industry and not chasing the next AAAAA title.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


The true reality, not the virtual one, is that only a minority of people are wanting to isolate themselves and to put a VR headset on their head, not even mentioning the motion sickness, eyes blood vessels breaking, or just the general inconfort to wear that. So no, VR will always be doom to fail as a mass consumer product. The only successful applications that will generate money are certainly in the military, for pilots or tank drivers.

Re: Your Allies Will Determine Your Playstyle in PS5 Exclusive Rise of the Ronin


@Specky I agree, GoT is beautiful and has a great atmosphere, but the story is mediocre, character development inexistent, and the open world stuff is killing the game. It is still enjoyable if you force yourself to stay on the main story and refuse to engage with the open world stupidity, so yeah it's more a $30 game than $70. And like all the open world games, once the story is complete, there is 0 interest to continue "clearing outposts" .. I have the DLC but didn't even bother to "explore" the new island. That's so boring and I already know what is waiting for me.

Re: Poor Suicide Squad Sales Disappoint Publisher Warner Bros


And at the same time Miyazaki is saying that From Software has a politics of empowering their staff so that he can delegate and more people can take the responsibility of the role of director. It's like they have a clear vision about how to be successful and survive in this economy that doesn't always make sense. For the Suicide Squad adventure, it was like the contrary of this approach...

Re: A Bloodborne Remake on PS6 Might Have More 'Value', Creator Suggests


Bloodborne felt like a low-effort production, with world assets copy/pasted from Demons Soul world 3, and the same enemies and combat mechanics through all the adventure. Not to mention to procedurally generated dungeons. If they truly spend time to hand craft a Bloodborne setting on next gen consoles, let's go directly for a Bloodborne 2 rather than a remaster/remake that is not needed.

Re: Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance on PS5, PS4 Confirmed, Out in June 2024


@MikeOrator SMT5 is not a JRPG in my opinion, not even a RPG either. Ok you gain XP and put some points in some stats, but you don't roleplay or follow a deep story made of choices. It's more like a mix of ... Dark Souls and Monster Hunter ? You play SMT5 for epic turn based battles, in a weird environment where a snow man is asking you to bring him alcohol (to host a party if I remember correctly)...

Re: Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree Sounds Like a Mammoth Expansion


@KundaliniRising333 Don't forget that From Software release their game on multiple platforms. Each platform has a specific graphics API, it is a pain to develop the same thing while supporting all of these APIs. They are so different, from how they give you access to the low level control of the GPU to simple things like defining a coordinates system (on this topic DirectX is famously the inverse of Vulkan, great...). There is a reason why Horizon is PS only and why Ratchet and Clank was a technical failure on PC. Unreal Engine is also not a magical solution either, look at how EA Sport WRC Rally was a technical failure at launch. Elden Ring is trying to get relatively good everywhere at the same time, so you cannot really take risks and push the boundaries in this context.

Re: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Out for PS5, PS4 on 21st June 2024


@VaultGuy415 I will also be the lone voice of dissent and say that Bloodborne is the most disappointing soul-like game of From Software. It feels rushed and unimaginative. If the Art direction and fast-paced combat look wonderful at start, it gets old very fast and becomes predictable. Game is also far to easy but I can understand that some people prefer when it is abordable rather than brutally hermetic. That said, I don't understand how it can be compared to Elden Ring, there is like ... nothing in common?

Re: Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance on PS5, PS4 Confirmed, Out in June 2024


Will definitely buy it again and play it again. It's an incredible game, I really loved it, far better than Persona 5, but the whole experience was underwhelmed by the Switch poor performance. By the way, seeing my son playing Sonic Frontiers on Switch convinced me to invest in a PS5. At some point, it makes no sense to continue to use the Switch, it's a pain to see all theses 2d assets popping 2 meters away from you as you move forward..