Comments 1,868

Re: Skywalker Saga-Style LEGO Harry Potter Reportedly En Route


A remake of the Lego Harry Potter games in the Skywalker Saga format would work considerably well actually. It would probably be better than Skywalker Saga, I was a bit disappointed how much of that game was just walking through little hub areas and talking to NPCs with not a lot of traditional levels, but a game centered primarily around that one central location of Hogwarts, with detours to other settings for each film would work with that gameplay format.

Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit would be another candidate I can see working excellently and with WB going all in on Middle Earth again it's probably being considered too. It could be our way to finally get that third Hobbit flick in a Lego game after they blew that opportunity the first go around.

@UnusedBabyWipes You won with this comment.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Hogwarts Legacy?


I'm not fighting in a war, or planning to do so, and as such I am nobody's "ally" I'm afraid.

As for the game, idk. I was a casual Potter fan as a kid, but I don't really care enough about it right now. Maybe when it's half off or something.

Re: Sonic Team Veteran Considering Ditching the Boost System for Next Game


Kishimoto has been a class act when it comes to responding to fans and even taking some of their suggestions into consideration. He's outright said he's experimenting with ideas for the next game with the free DLC and might even implement momentum mechanics into the game.

Funny how many people in the fanbase was hating on him after Forces, but he seems to actually be quite passionate and wants the series to be the best it can be, but struggled with executive meddling.

Re: More Upcoming PS5 Games Handed Wishlist Pages


At a glance I thought this article was about Hogwarts Legacy.

When it comes to key art design, person standing at the edge of a cliff facing towards a horizon really is to to open world games what angry person holding a gun facing the camera is to shooters.

Re: Fast-Tracked Death Stranding Movie to Be an Authentic Hideo Kojima Production


@TheKramer89 That's still in the conceptual phase after 10 years, and if Jordan is still attached as director, he's also working on a Gundam movie.

@AdamNovice I think the rate of announcements is a bit unprecedented, which may be why, but I agree with you. As long as they're at least decent I see no issue, and recent adaptations of games have been pretty solid compared to what they used to be.

Re: Sonic Frontiers Speeds Past 2.5 Million Sales in Its First Month


It's worth pointing out that by comparison, Sonic Mania sold 1 million copies after 8 months.

The last time we got sales numbers for a 3D Sonic was Lost World and Boom, both of which sold less than a million after 6 months (including 3DS numbers, which really shouldn't count since they're different games). They didn't bother telling us how much Forces sold; I imagine it did a lot better than those two, but they probably wanted to focus more on Mania's success more.