Comments 981

Re: Poll: Do Remakes of Old Games Get You Excited?


Most of the ps4 remakes were fantastic to be fair.
ff7, crash, spyro, ctr (minus the WORST NET CODE I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED), tony hawks, re2 (didn't play 3, heard it wasn't as good)..

HeartGold/SoulSilver still remains the absolute pinnacle of remakes though.

So many games just crying out for a remake from yesteryear though.

Re: Poll: We Want You to Rate Your Favourite PS5 Games


@KundaliniRising333 Pretty sure by this point in every other gen of consoles, there has been several must play next gen stuff. This time round, nada.
Don't get me started on the ps plus games collection being locked out for ps4 owners either.
Spidey and Wolverine are about it tbh.
I can't speak for what features the ps5 is missing due to not owning one, but i've seen the lack of vrr mentioned a few times. Seems strange it'd be advertised only to not be bothered with too much.

Re: Poll: We Want You to Rate Your Favourite PS5 Games


@KundaliniRising333 I have never been less interested in a generation as this one. So far there is absolutely nothing on either side, except MAYBE Ratchet, that is a must play.
I'm also soured on the whole cross gen stuff, HZD, GOW etc should have been absolute must buys and absolute showcases for the ps5, but nope, held back. To be fair, everything I have seen about this gen, from the announcement, to the design, to the scalping, to everything else has just been a swing and a miss. I say that as an original ps4 only owner.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Horizon Forbidden West?


Quite the quandry, the first was my game of the generation. It was amazing. I really want this. But I don't want/have a ps5 at the moment, and I don't want to play it on my old phatboy ps4 as it would a) kill it b) not be at its best so why bother.
I'm also still salty about it being cross play in the first place and not being an absolute showcase for the ps5.

Re: Distressing Horror Martha Is Dead Censored on PS5, PS4


Not even that bad, tiny bit of blood and a pale face, how horrible 😱 Hell, resident evil 2 remake had a police mans lower jaw ripping off showing more than this and that was a 15. Dead space had the eye scene, the outlast dlc with the scientist, there has been much worse.
Also push square censors comments from naughty words but is freely showing 18+ video content in the articles so there's that 😂

Re: The Last of Us Dev Naughty Dog Hiring for Three PS5, PS4 Games


Got next to no interest in anything they are releasing at the moment (other than seeing graphically what they pull out), but I really hope they and every other company drop the ps4 development of everything at this point, it's ridiculous.
I say that as an original ps4 owner and almost no interest in the ps5 at this point.

Re: Sony Buys Ex-Halo, Destiny Developer Bungie for $3.6 Billion


@Nyne11Tyme Which surely means more profits for the publishers as they own the ips. and they were still money printing machines for Sony (spidey especially, that bundle sold so many ps4s). Bungie really only own 1 property from what I can tell. Don't get me wrong it obviously makes £, but can't see that much value in the company myself. All I'm saying is Insomniac are amazing devs and deserved much more than the paltry sum they were paid when deals like this go through. Bloody love insomniac. Favourite devs I think.

Re: Sony Buys Ex-Halo, Destiny Developer Bungie for $3.6 Billion


@KilloWertz Yeah, but Insomniac had huge games under their belts (Ratchet series being the biggest I'd imagine, before they did Spidey which catapulted the ps4 sales through the roof) and they were bought for what, $250m? that's peanuts. That's the change Sony would find down the settee. And they not only get a load of games out the door, but they do it quickly and deliver polished products.
I get destiny etc are quite big names, but not $4b names. FPS really isn't my genre, but there's no bias on my side, I just can't see how the studio is worth that much.

Re: French Retailer Warns PS5 Players to Choose Console Carefully After Xbox's Activision Acquisition


Honestly from a consumer point of view (not a blind loyalty point of view) this is a good thing. It allows the consumer to be informed, and when parents are buying little timmy the ps5 so that he can play all the new cod games but they don't come their way and little timmy gets upset, the parents are going to be resentful of the fact they weren't provided with information and avoid spending money in said shop. I'd certainly appreciate the heads up.

Re: PSVR Hit The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Will Survive a Sequel


@gollumb82 Possibly, but don't remember feeling nauseous from it, just headache/eye strain but maybe if I'd have tried for a longer period it would have progressed to sickness? Like I say, maybe the way the movement works might have been a factor, but not sure why Astro would be different, maybe because I'm not seeing through Astro's eyes like I would be in re maybe? Not sure. Although saying that, you are looking through Batman's eyes in arkham so not sure if it would be that after all.

The picture was slightly blurry but never going to get it crystal clear with the specs of the psvr (from what I gather anyway). I think the main issue was the fact that everything is just brown and maybe that muddies the detail (on an already less than perfect image [fine playing it not vr]) and what with the pop in and whatever else it made for a visual cocktail that just didn't work as intended with my eyes.
From what I have read, everything is definitely better on the pro unit instead of the base. Unfortunately, unless you try it I guess you wont be able to get a definitive answer either way, as presumably it is a different experience for each person.