Comments 5,688

Re: Sony Appears to Leak Many Games from State of Play


I assume a lot of these are for PS5 Pro updates.

Really hoping the Stellar Blade update is the photo mode and PC date.

Edit: I also notice that Days Gone isn't on that list, I wonder if that lends less credit to the leak of a Days Gone Remaster?
Guess we'll see in a few hours.

Re: Preview: PS5's Sparking! Zero Feels Like Dragon Ball Z, But You May Need Super Saiyan Reflexes


Really excited.

While I get where Sammy is coming from with the combat being a little complex for newcomers to these sort of games, with multiple button presses for attacks etc, that's the biggest highlight to me. A game that's accessible to a wide range of players, but with a high skill ceiling.
I always felt Xenoverse and Kakarot's combat were really shallow in what you get from them, but I always remember BT3 having a lot of depth to it once you got the hang of it.

Re: Suda 51 Says 'Everyone Cares Too Much About Metacritic Scores'


It's true

Nine Sols, a game that released last spring and is at the front for my GotY, is sitting at a 83 on Metacritic.
Another Crab's Treasure, which is right there with Nine Sols for GotY, is sitting at a 78 on Metacritic.
Both of these games are sitting at Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam.

It shows that the Meta score doesn't always tell the full story for a game.