Comments 209

Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out


The PS5 selling out was a problem for a whole lot of gamers. Those were a rough couple of years! We don't have that problem with the PS5 Pro.

Maybe Sony learned their lesson and was able to produce enough consoles this time? They're in this to make as much money as possible. It seems like intentionally selling out would be leaving money on the table.

Re: Vince Zampella Defends PS5 Pro Price, Says 'It's Actually Not That Bad'


I was very disappointed by the price, but after looking into building a PC, I've come to realize that it would cost significantly more to build a worthwhile PC that beats it. Add PC problems like occasional mysterious troubleshooting and waiting two years for certain PlayStation games (often among the year's best games) and I've come to accept that I'll probably just buy the PS5 Pro.

I won't lie, if I had more money, I would go with the PC, or better yet, get the PS5 Pro AND a PC! But as it is, the PS5 Pro is affordable for me, while a good updatable PC is slightly out of my desired price range.

Re: The Plucky Squire (PS5) - Joyful, Inventive Adventure on Every Page of PS Plus Gem


Tried it for a couple of hours tonight and honestly I don't understand the 8's this game is getting. It feels like the game is targeted at kindergarteners. The combat is ridiculously easy and simple, and the puzzles take very little thought with solutions sometimes signposted. The writing actually pales in comparison to the average picture book.

I guess this would be good to play with your kids, but for adults, no thanks! I was looking forward to this game so I'm pretty disappointed after playing it.

It's like a 5 or 6 out of 10 for me. Not recommended for adult players!

Re: Poll: Would You Buy PS5 Pro If It Was Cheaper?


I was looking forward to the PS5 Pro and may still get one, but in addition to the higher than expected price I think they really blew the presentation. They didn't show a single game that I haven't played, and The Last of Us 2 was already a rerelease of a PS4 game.

Furthermore, at 9 minutes, the presentation was way too short. I would have preferred a big 30 minute presentation detailing everything the PS5 Pro can do with more gameplay examples.

As it is it's very hard to get excited about the PS5 Pro. I'm seriously considering getting my first gaming PC instead but in reality you're still doing good to get 4K 60 FPS even with double the PC budget. I guess getting used to high quality 60 FPS at the beginning of the generation was setting us up for disappointment!

Re: Poll: Can a Game's Brutal Difficultly Put You Off Playing It?


Talking about difficulty is one thing, but it has to be acknowledged that Elden Ring is EASILY one of the best games of this generation (I'd put it at #1) and it is probably one of the best video games ever made (I'd say so). This is partly due to the difficulty, not in spite of it.

I don't second guess masterpieces. Elden Ring is perfection. I pity gamers who miss it.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Dragon's Dogma 2?


Surprised to see this game getting user scores this high. While I have no problem with the frame rate or the completely optional microtransactions, I just don't feel that this game is up to the level of polish we normally associate with 9's and 10's. With low enemy variety, seemingly random enemy placement, and low quality writing, I didn't even feel that this game is as good as a typical 8.

I bought the game on release day and enjoyed it for about 15 hours before getting annoyed with it and leaving to play Hollow Knight again. I voted 6/10. ::shrug::

Re: Not Everyone Is in Love with Dragon's Dogma 2 on PS5


This game got vastly overrated by critics and I don't even understand why. After 20 hours, I can say it has LOADS of half-baked features and "why?" aspects to the so called design. Art design is boring, writing is poor, action is shallow, pawns are annoying and repetitive, and so on, and so on, and so on...

This is not a 9/10 game- not by a longshot. I play just about every major release and to me this is a 6/10 game. Are reviewers being paid by Capcom, or what?

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Is Getting Another Patch to Improve Performance Mode


I know people will think this is heresy, but if you play in the 30 FPS mode you stop noticing the framerate in about five minutes. Resolution looks great and the graphics look incredible. Console gamers have been playing games in 30 FPS for years and never thought to complain until this generation. 30 FPS looks just as good on this game as it ever did. Just give it about five minutes and you'll be fine.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Alan Wake 2?


This game is overrated. Even aside from the awful shimmering and visual bugs, the game is just not that fun in terms of gameplay. The story is good and it's got some novel ideas, but at no point does this feel better than Spider-Man 2, for example.

Wandering around in the dark getting jump scares while lost. That's the game in a nutshell.


Re: Latest Alan Wake 2 PS5 Patch Applies 200+ Fixes


People are talking about how this is the best looking game of this generation and I'm just looking at shimmering white stuff where it doesn't belong looking like garbage. Hope they patched that out!

Not a 10/10 for me. I had more fun with Spider-Man 2.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty?


Would be the game of the year for me if the game had launched in this condition in 2023. I think it's one of the best games of this generation and possibly one of the best games ever made. It's absolutely fantastic!

BTW, I'm playing on Very Hard now and its Very Hard mode is probably the best implementation of a higher difficulty level that I've ever seen. Would definitely recommend trying it!