Comments 262

Re: Remedy Still Working on Alan Wake 2 PS5 Pro Patch Enhancements


People are ridiculous. I played Alan Wake 2 on the base PS5, then played the DLC on the PS5 Pro. The Pro version was WAY better- basically the Fidelity version from the base PS5 at 60 FPS. It didn't have any major problems that weren't also on the already imperfect base version.

Worse than the base version on the PS5 Pro? That's crazy talk!!!

Re: Rumour: FromSoftware Classic Getting the Remaster Treatment


We don't need remasters of From games we need remakes. Keep on giving me remakes of the same quality that we saw in Demons Souls and I'll keep buying them!

Dark Souls Remake, Dark Souls 3 Remake, Bloodborne Remake... hell, I'd even buy a Dark Souls 2 Remake!

But remasters are just not exciting.

Re: Sony Says the Best Time to Get a PS5 Is Now


Boy the people in this group sure are whiny. There have been LOADS of great games on the PS5 in the four year since it released. Sure, you could play most of them on the PS4, but do you really want to play at lower resolutions and lower framerates on a console that released eleven years ago?

I know the economy has been bad, but are people really that worried about spending $500 on a gaming machine that you can use for 8 years? Ouch! I'm glad I can actually afford my hobby. Seems like I'm in the minority on that one.

Re: PS5 Pro was a '5-Year Project', In Development Before PS5's Launch


Well, I guess we can now all see that the PS5 Pro is what the PS5 SHOULD have been! We should have been calling the PS5 the PS4 Pro 2 and the PS5 Pro should be called The True PS5. Or at the very least we should now refer to the base PS5 as the PS5 Amateur.

Too bad it took so long but glad we finally got the The True PS5 in 2024! Now we can finally put the PS4 days behind us and start a new generation! I think it will be common practice for all future games to target 30 FPS on the PS5 Amateur and 60 FPS on The True PS5.