Comments 1,878

Re: A Mischievous Boy Has Leaked Footage of Jet Set Radio's Revival for PS5


Haha, I'll have to cheat but I always remember when my mate and I fired up JSR for the first time on Dreamcast and laughed out loud at the old lady voice saying that line in the soundtrack.

EDIT: OMG it's a sample from George Michael's 'Too Funky'!!!!
Which in itself is a sample from Hancock's Half Hour??!!!!

Re: Poll: Can a Game's Brutal Difficulty Put You Off Playing It?


PSA from FROM Software, and probably the only tip you'll get to make the game less hard (I won't say easier).

Seems all the fools rushed in and got handed an ass kicking from Mitzi & co, for not reading the tips I bet. All those people wanted to be first to beat the bosses and fell straight into the trap, I think FS want you to explore every corner of the map to get the most out of the game.

Re: Preview: Black Myth: Wukong Could Finally Be the Game Journey to the West Deserves


In the Worlds before Monkey,
Primal chaos reigned,
Heaven sought order.
But the Phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown.
The four worlds formed again and yet again,
As endless aeons wheeled and passed.
Time and the pure essences of Heaven,
The moisture of the Earth,
And the powers of the Sun and the Moon
All worked upon a certain rock – old as Creation,
And it magically became fertile.
That first egg was named Thought,
Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha,
Said, ‘With our thoughts we make the world.’
Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch,
from it then came a stone Monkey.
The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!


Re: Criticised Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Demo Merely an 'Amuse-Bouche' of the Full Experience


Lots of other previews have suggested it looks really good, GTA in Space is one of the quotes I've read.
Eurogamer come across often as elitist to me, similar to EDGE, quite happy to turn their noses up at something popular but then champion the smallest of new indie games to death. Although there's nothing wrong with small new indie games, just a lack of journalistic balance sometimes, probably to keep the clicks up and maintain the self indulgent impression that they are one of the go to sites for news and opinion (we all know that title belongs to PushSquare

Re: PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show


This is how it's always been and how I like it.
Sony - under promise and over deliver.
MS - over promise and under deliver.

MS need the hype, Sony doesn't as it's already dominant and it's brand prestige allows it some faith that it's exclusives will be very good.

You (the public) only want more announcements so you can feel more excited and have more to talk about which is fair enough as present and future customers. But please don't be greedy.

Re: Poll: Years Later, How Do You Feel About PlayStation's PC Strategy?


I have absolutely no problem with PS games appearing on PC, quite happy for those guys to enjoy premium console games too.

Apart from the recent cry-babyness, I think having Helldivers 2 on both PC & PS has been pretty good IMHO, certainly meant the player numbers have been consistently high (too high on release of course).

Re: Founders, Long-Time Employees Reportedly Say Xbox Now Effectively Microsoft Gaming


"This is all getting dictated by [Microsoft CEO] Satya [Nadella] and [Microsoft CFO] Amy Hood, and it all stems from the Activision acquisition."

Well Phil asked Papa Nadella for a $70 billion cheque to buy a new toy, once that happened the future of Xbox went into the accounts departments pocket.

To put into context, the US government only recently decided to give Ukraine $60 billion dollars to help with the war with Russia.

So it's not small potatoes and leaves a huge mark on the ledger (especially after the $7.5 billion for Bethesda) so Xbox was always going to be controlled from the top afterwards, for better or for worse. Hence why we're seeing all the MS exclusives coming to Playstation.

(In case you missed it, we're talking about BILLIONS of Dollars).

Xbox is no longer about creativity, it's solely about balancing the books, and that is why their games have no soul anymore.

Re: More Xbox Layoffs Reportedly Inbound as Company Attempts to Cut Costs


'Like peanut butter on bread'
Well there's a man surely earning his multi million dollar salary, what a joker.

So the dev studios are the bread? And the dev studios resources are the peanut butter...wait no that's not right.

Xbox president Matt Booty said that the company's studios were spread too thin, like "peanut butter on bread", and that leaders across the division felt understaffed.

So the studios are the bread, and the peanut butter is the staff? So the answer is to cut the amount of peanut butter as leaders already felt understaffed? What??!!!

Or by having smaller bread the peanut butter can be spread more thickly, ah I'm beginning to see now, so drop the studios to reduce the bread which means dropping staff that reduces the peanut butter too though....

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure



Re Tango in particular, what a message to send to all those other Japanese game studios that might have been considering partnerships,
"Come closer, come to MS, come closer so I can shut you down."
Shinji Mikami saw it coming alright, I hope all those now-ex Tango guys get invited by him to join his studio and carry on the good work (backed by Sony for the win).

Feb 2023

"We wish Mikami-san well in the future and are excited by what lies ahead for the talented developers at Tango.