Comments 296

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Is Up to Three Times Faster Than PS5 as Specs Surface


@DeathlySW You just said what i thought. Lazy devs will hide behind that tech. But imagine how lazier they will get... kind of a spiral (hope i am wrong).
On the topic - i am very interested in one.
PS6 - i think they will delay it
MS - i would expect them to drop the consoles and work on IP sales. They already lost the console war.

Re: Upgraded PS5 Controller with Hugely Improved Battery Life Spotted


For me the current one is more than enough, but it never froped so fast a 3 hours ... that must be a game with constant vibrations. Also, it very much depends if the vibrations are set to Heavy, med or low (not sure the exact wording). This plays a big part.
But as for how they did it - well, you know that AAA batter from IKEA and Duracell are same form factor, but last diffrently So, they improved smth.
But it is very cool that it is a bundle - most people have one controller, and with that you get second and the station has 2 slots. Cool.

Re: GTA Publisher Lays Out Complex Entertainment Per-Hour Pricing Algorithm


Well, he would be right if games did not:
1. use paid DLCs by just scrapping something that must have been in the game anyway,
2. dont need need 100 patches to finaly be a game (there are 2 consoles ffs with same hardware)
3. aiming to go digital so no cost of anything related to physical sales (which is a shame I always prefer to have them)
I think the current price is justified but not up.

Re: Poll: Are You Buying a PS5 'Slim'?


There ahould be one more answer. "If I did not have one I would prefer it than the original one."
This new eddition is not intended as an upgrade. Just an evolution. If there was not any, then it would have been "oh, why isn't there".