Comments 110

Re: Star Wars Outlaws' Rescue Roadmap Provides a Snapshot of Modern PS5 Gaming


I'll admit I was somewhat excited for this game. I am enjoying it a fair amount, but also at times finding it a bit dull. I think a small part of that is the fact that I'm playing it at a very slow, drip-feed pace. The other aspect is the game feels somewhat limited in variety and interesting things early on, which matches some of the reviews I saw.

Re: Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Will Go Hard in Early 2025 on PS5, PS4


Oh man. I actually really like Bleach's dub (Johnny Yong Bosch is SO good as Ichigo) but I forgot that Ulquiorra's voice is actually not great (I assume it's the same VA). I feel bad saying that because I genuinely like the cast for the most part.

Despite that, still very excited for this. And I think the launch window is smart with Sparking Zero right around the corner. Never been this excited for fighting games lol.

Re: Don't Give Up on Jin Just Yet, More Ghost of Tsushima Spin-Offs Planned


I love the idea of exploring a new character and story. I also wouldn't have minded to see more of Jin's story. It felt like at the end of the first game, there was still more of his story left to be told, more potential drama (especially depending on which ending you chose).

But again, I don't mind this one bit. I really look forward to seeing what SuckerPunch does here. They did such a great job before.

Re: Big Tech Cuts Made to Get Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Running on PS4


I know that covid really screwed things up, and the manufacturing costs of the PS5 (affected by the former greatly) are another major factor, but this has been such a weird gen. In terms of the PlayStation family (i.e. not Xbox or Switch), there are so absolutely few PS5-only games. In a few months we'll be approaching the start of the PS5's fifth year and so many new games come out on both PS5 and PS4 still, aside from the titans of the 1st party scene.

And look, some people may have valid reasons for not upgrading. I know very well the PS5 was extremely hard to come by for the first 2-2.5 years or so. I get that. I also understand for Sony and especially with digital slowly ticking up sales, the idea of selling both to people is very easy and it appeases more people.

It's just a bizarre thought to me that in theory, we could see the PS6 on the verge of a release in a few short years, and PS4 games could still be releasing left and right. That's just unheard of. And frankly, it would really diminish the PS5's identity. That's just my thoughts though. Not trying to be a downer.

Re: Rumour: Concord Cost $400 Million, Sony Believed It Was the 'Future of PlayStation'


Gaming is in a weird/tough spot. You can't push the envelope much further on graphics. Dev times for big AAA games that aren't shooters or sports or etc. can take 4-7 years now.

From the publisher side, I see why live service is appealing: it's cheaper (usually), easier, and gets the product out sooner. Plus microtransactions can bring in that extra $. Concord still had a long dev time though despite it being "just a live service shooter." But this is not what we want.

I'm happy gamers have voted against live service these last 2-3 years because I hope it will mean more quality games in the future. But the double edged sword is studios may not know how to properly do "quality" without spending 5 years between each game. I love indies, I really do, and they've grown on me tremendously the last couple years as appetizers before the next Spider-Man game comes out in 2028 (literally that will probably be the year). You can say "just make a big enough game that feels like AAA without the cost and scale, but still have more longevity than an indie." And that sounds simple, but in execution, probably not.

Re: Palworld Struck by Nintendo Lawsuit Days Prior to Predicted PS5 Reveal


Legal Eagle did a good video about how Japanese copyright law is a bit different than the rest of the world. Even "very similar but still different" cases that normally don't get anywhere in the US have sometimes gone the way of the plaintiff in Japan.

All of that said, I have no idea what will happen here. My gut says Palworld will likely survive or at worst, have to redesign some things, which would be easy IMO. I guess we'll see.

Re: Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Confirms 12 Dragon Ball GT Characters


Don't like GT personally, just never vibed with the SSJ4 transformation look (the ape hair is a gigantic nope for me). That being said, I am of course still happy for others who are excited. GT may not be my thing, but I can still have fun with some of these characters. Looking forward to picking this up next month.

Re: Days Gone Director Roasts 'Small Game' Astro Bot PS5 for Deacon St John Cameo


I mildly empathized with this guy when Days Gone didn't get quite the reception it deserved (my opinion). It wasn't anything extraordinarily groundbreaking, but I think it was a good enough game for Sony to not fully give up on it, so I understood his frustration.

But this... nah, he's just being a weird jerk for no good reason. Like again, sorry Days Gone didn't do well when it arguably could have/should have, but this tantrum isn't doing you any favors.

Re: Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Looks Really, Really Promising in 25 Minutes of Raw Gameplay


Excited to play this. Bleach just doesn't get enough gaming love. Last one I played was on the PS3, a Dynasty Warriors clone.

Also, I've memed a few times on previous articles about how Ichigo has yet to use his trademark Getsuga Tenshou in any footage yet. Here... it kinda looks he is actually using the attack but not calling it out. So it is kinda funny that it still hasn't happened yet... kinda lol. The fact that his ultimate attack (or at least one of them???) is an attack he used against Byakuya but never again is kinda odd. Similarly, the dash attack that Byakuya used (against Ichigo, unsurprisingly) is not one that I think he has used often, if only once.

Re: Concord (PS5) - Live Service Debut Beats the Hate with Stellar Presentation and Good Gameplay


With 100% sincerity, I hope this game does well and that the people who play it get a ton of enjoyment out of it. Especially after hearing about the long time it took to get off the ground.

That said, for me personally, the bait and switch with the first trailer seemingly showing off a narrative-focused sci-fi game in the veins of a Mass Effect or etc., only to pull that back and show the game was actually a multiplayer FPS, did incredibly irreparable damage for any enthusiasm I would have had.

And who knows, maybe that wasn't a dev team decision but a Sony marketing one. It's just a headscratcher to me. If I was 100% in the mood for a game like Concord at the time, and it was presented more openly at that first reveal, maybe I'd be preordering it now. But I saw what looked like a fun new SP game and then that was swiftly taken away.

But again, I hope it does well. Maybe the book isn't 100% closed on Concord for me, but we'll see what the rest of the PS gaming community think.

Re: Borderlands 4 Announced, Coming to PS5 in 2025


One of my favorite series, but BL3 let me down a little here and there. The endgame in particular just didn't really keep me invested and the DLCs, compared to the other games were just a bit lackluster.

I think BL3 made some nice QoL changes that hopefully they keep and then improve further on. Hopefully they'll find a perfect formula this time.

Re: Preview: Dead Rising Plays and Looks Like a Dream in PS5 Deluxe Remaster


I wonder if the trophy list will be ported over exactly. I remember it being a bit of a challenge. There was a mode where you had to stay alive for as long as possible (like 12-15 real life hours I think?) and I blew that one twice, both because I forgot to eat.

Either way, I think I remember mostly enjoying my time with it. Escorting people through hordes on a time crunch was both stressful and sometimes frustrating as hell, but it was still fun. I also remember the ending of the game kind of fizzled out once you left the Mall.

Re: Pour One Out for Iconic US Gaming Mag Game Informer


For a while, especially in the earlier days, like PS2 to early PS3 era, they were the only ones I trusted for "good" reviews. There were far less publications/websites at that time, and GameSpot and IGN were usually among the top ones gamers used for their reviews. GameSpot reviews had A LOT of controversies over the years, but GI always seemed to be unfettered by any nonsense and felt very genuine.

I'll always appreciate that. Farewell.

Re: Well-Liked Action Series Darksiders Will Ride Again in New PS5 Game


I have a mild interest in this series. Nothing about it truly blows me away, but nothing is "bad". It's a good rainy day kind of game I guess. Pretty much checks all the boxes in the "decent" area.

I played the first and second though, that's it so far. I'm still annoyed with myself for not knowing the second game had an online trophy that was long discontinued. Oh well.

Also, I wonder who is going to be the spotlight here? My understanding is they did War, Death, and Fury in the three main titles, and Strife got a spinoff game? So maybe finally a group game? Idk.

Re: Randy Pitchford Says Fans Will Be 'Very, Very Happy' with Next Borderlands Game


BL2 was the peak for me so far. I put probably close to 500 hours into that game going back to the PS3 version. All the characters felt so fun and unique.

BL3 by comparison I thought added a lot of good things, with guns, and small QoL updates. But I probably only put like < 200 hours into that. I didn't like it felt like Mayhem really seemed to bottleneck you into only using certain builds, as opposed to the ones you wanted. That may have changed since the last time I played, but I remember for Fl4K the green tree build was the go-to for the longest time.

Anyway, for BL4, I think having some more QoL updates would be helpful, and doing something more impactful with the endgame where it isn't such a grind. Like I know that's the point with looter shooters, but I dunno, it gets tiresome after a while. I liked that BL3 made legendaries drop like crazy, but I don't know if that should be scaled back or not.

Re: We Find This PS5 Wishlist Issue Irrationally Irksome


Yeah a lot of minor problems with the wishlist and sales, which on their own are very minor, but add up to be fairly annoying.

Delayed wishlist notifications are annoying, but sometimes I get none at all. Like this latest sale I have some of the games on my list and I didn't get anything.

On the flip side, I've had a weird glitch where I got notifications like every 20 mins.

Re: Yeah! You Want 'Those Games', Right? Well Good, 'Cos There's a PS5, PS4 Sequel


I played the first one and I'd say it's mostly a fair value for $9.99, but not a must play. The car/parking lot game was probably my favorite since that made you really think and approach it like a puzzle.

Not sure I'd definitely play another, but I'll see what kind of "games" are on this one.

Edit: Forgot to add that the first game strangely was not cross-buy/bundle. I got the PS5 version and it would have cost another $9.99 to get the PS4 version. No thanks. And lastly for trophy hunters, the grind to get coins is a bit annoying but whatever.

Re: 6 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for July 2024 Leaked Early


Every so often I'm kicking myself because a game I bought on sale ends up on Extra/Premium not long after. So it's always nice when a game I'm thinking about buying ends up on there before I actually pull the trigger.

So if the Remnant 2 leak is true, that's a win for me! Looking forward to it.

Re: Assassin's Creed Remakes Are on the Way, Ubisoft Confirms


I think the first game is the most aged one of them all in terms of gameplay and mechanics. This is not necessarily a criticism, because it was truly the pilot game for the Ezio trilogy and beyond. But yeah, bringing that game up to to date with some better visuals, newer gameplay mechanics, maybe even adding an open world outside of the three major cities, that could be fun.

Re: The Rest of 2024's PS5 Release Schedule Is Finally Filling Up, and It's Looking Good



Still have Plucky Squire in my wishlist from when it was first shown off a year ago I think? Still seems like there's no definitive news on when it's actually coming out.

Anywho, I'm starting to like this slowly growing trend of some games being announced just months before they come out. I know it's very hard to keep the cards close to the chest for some of these studios/publishers, but I like it when they do it. Metaphor was just announced at SGF and it's already coming out this year. Starting to see more of that and I hope it continues.

(Me secretly hoping Ghost of Tsushima will finally be announced soon and be coming out 5-7 months later)

Re: Legendary PS2 Platformer Sly Cooper Will Have a Platinum on PS5, PS4



I was literally just about to ask/comment if the title of this article was implying the other two were NOT getting trophies. If Tomb Raider is getting them, that's a good sign I guess, since that is not strictly a Sony IP. So maybe we'll see more 3rd party games get trophies now, or at least with PS2. Fingers crossed.

Re: Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Spotlights Fusion Characters in Crazy New Trailer


The last trailer really blew me away with how the clothes were rippling and how the ki power up animations looked. Here, I was a tiny bit distracted by some of the faces...

I can't quite put my finger on it, but some of them just seemed off. Caulifla, Gotenks and one or two others just looked odd... like I can't explain it. Something about head/face proportions/spacing. I don't know.

Not trying to sound negative, but again, it just distracted me. Otherwise, this is a must-buy for me I think.