Comments 2,567

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PS5 Pro?


I’m typically a Day One person, but as quickly as the PS5 generation seems to be running the PS6 will be out before we know it. I may get one, but it’s unlikely.

Re: PS5 Pro Reveal Is Already Sony's Most Disliked Console Announcement


I think the biggest issue is the appearance. An all powerful $700 system and relatively no new games to show it off. What did Sony show? TLoU2 remastered, Spider-man 2, Ratchet & Clank, GT7, Forbidden West…I think the most recent game was Hogwarts Legacy which released 19 months ago.

It just compounds with a somewhat negative trending for PlayStation right now.

And that’s without the alleged removal of Concord from people’s console. Delist the game. Make it unplayable. But removing it from people’s consoles completely? That’s kind of scary.

Re: Xbox on Bringing Exclusives to PS5: The Industry Is Changing for All of Us


The problem with Phil is the lack of transparency. He knew Indy was launching on PS5 when he sidestepped the question and said it wasn’t one of the first four. Instead of being honest with the Xbox players and treating them like adults, he left it at that until now. That’s a pretty crappy way to treat the people that pay your bills.

Re: Amazon's Excellent Fallout TV Adaptation Up for 16 Emmy Awards


Such a great adaptation! I loved The Last of Us, but it was the same story with character additions and expansions. Really well done, but it was TLoU.

Fallout was Fallout. A live version of the game with a story and characters that really worked.

@DennisReynolds I agree that he owns that role and plays Homelander pitch perfect.