

Playstationing since 1995

Comments 1,382

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?


Really enjoyed the second demo, played to completion, enough to finally buy the full game last night. The final boss fight of the demo was a blast. I love the relative simplicity of the combat; Nioh always felt over complicated and closer to a fighting game, despite my love for it. Magic feels much better here too. Character creator is awesome too. Really looking forward to playing the full game. Solid 8 so far.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About Final Fantasy 16?


Art must evolve and change to stay relevant. Final Fantasy is evolving and changing, and thatā€™s okay. There are missteps , for sure, but also chances for greatness that may not have happened without taking a risk. Iā€™m staying positive for this one.
Also you canā€™t please everyone. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Re: Lies of P Looks Incredibly Slick in 8K AMD Gameplay


Visually, game looks gorgeous! Gameplay-wise? Game looks boring AF! By-the-numbers Souls-likeā€”Iā€™ve definitely done this all before, based on the gameplay presented here. Will I still play the game? Probably! But I hope that thereā€™s more depth to the combat buried in there somewhere, which we havenā€™t seen yet.

Re: 'AAAA' Title The Callisto Protocol Reportedly Falls Short of Expected Sales Figures


I liked the game, but it was nothing amazing. The combat was generally quite fun; mobs were a pain though, and like most reviewers said, showed the cracks in the combat system. Worst part for me was the terrible level design. Endless boring corridors, constant climbing through vents and walls. No interesting environments to speak of. Doesnā€™t make me want to replay the game in any wayā€¦

No DLC for me until itā€™s deeply discounted, if I buy it at allā€¦

I am SO READY for Dead Space