

Give me discs or give me death

Comments 11

Re: The Novelty of PlayStation's PC Ports Does Appear to Be Dampening


Unpopular opinion, but I didnā€™t think GoW Ragnarok was all that good. I love the original trilogy, and was blown away by GoW 2018, but Ragnarok was a letdown. Story was bland and characters were hit or miss, but the most egregious offender was incredibly poorly written dialogue that felt extremely anachronistic. By the end of the game I half expected Kratos to shout ā€œBoy! Letā€™s hop in da sled and bounce out this joint!ā€

At least it looked nice and played well. I just wanted more, especially after GoW 2018. Also glad the tacked on rogue lite mode they shoehorned in was mercifully brief. Once I unlocked those trophies, I dropped that trash immediately and never looked back. I wonder if theyā€™re forcing PC players to slog through that mode for the trophies, or if it was reworked to better cater to trophy hunters with better things to do with their time.

Re: Rumour: Days Gone PS5 Remaster Speculation Starts to Spread


No interest unless they remove those awful additional trophy requirements they shoehorned in post-launch. Bad trophy design will immediately kill any interest in a game I might otherwise have. Not everyone enjoys low effort, tacked on modes that offer no compelling immersive content. Developers should cater trophy lists to trophy hunters, the only people who really care about trophies to begin with.

Re: Sony Flop Concord Axed Two Weeks After PS5, PC Release


Seeing quite a bit of ā€˜This is the most colossal failure in the history of the universeā€™ hyperbole here. Is Concord hot garbage? Of course. Should it ever have been greenlit? No way. Even so, Iā€™d cite Redfall and Suicide Squad as two objectively worse titles in recent memory.

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


Hereā€™s a question for everyone.

How will trophy hunters be affected by this?With refunds issued and access being removed soon, will those who invested in the game be permanently locked out of being able to 100% + Platinum the Concord trophy list? This is precisely why I avoid online-only games like the plague. If the game is fundamentally altered, the existing trophies may be permanently unobtainable.

Without any industry wide standard as to what is acceptable trophy/achievement criteria and what is not, nor having the ability to permanently erase games with partially completed trophies from our lists, this is a very real issue. I, for one, have no interest in seeing a game sitting at 42%, 65%, 98% etc on my trophy list and the specific nature of a gameā€™s trophies is a large influence on whether or not I decide to purchase or skip it entirely. There is no reason platform holders cannot or should not cater to trophy and achievement hunters, who are realistically the only people who actually care about trophies/achievements in the first place.