

Mother of Dragon Punches.

Comments 2,701

Re: PS5 Promo Video Promises It's Time to Play


Montage of lovely games tbh, this year has been my favourite so far on PS5 with Rebirth, Stellar and Astro really catering to my taste.

Iā€™m also a huge Death Stranding fan so thereā€™s that coming but In would love more of this kind of exclusives.

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


Eh, it's only natural they are developing the PS6.

I am baffled by the blatant use of the "no games" meme in a year where the discourse has been pretty much completely dominated by PlayStation exclusives like Rebirth, Stellar Blade and Astro (all potentials goty imho). And it's a platform that also has been graced by every relevant multi-platform game and has even started receiving ports of his major competitor's exclusives in 2024. Some people really want to hate at all costs

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


9,5 for me so I voted 9. A delight to play and to look at, easily surpassing the excellent Mario Odyssey while providing the sheer technological wonder the Switch never packed and solidly landing into Mario Galaxyā€™s ā€œbest in its classā€ territory.
Nitpicks for me are the use of motion controls in some levels (not a fan) and the fact its many brilliant ideas never elevate it to game changer. Itā€™s pure joy though! If something batcr*** insane as Rebirth didnā€™t exist, this would be my goty

Re: Suda 51 Says 'Everyone Cares Too Much About Metacritic Scores'


@UltimateOtaku91 yeah exactly what came through my mind. I donā€™t like metacritic too much but a game with a high meta score is probably a very good game. Rebirth, Astrobot, Balatro and Erdtree are the best games I played this year, probably with Stellar Blade (still very decent metascore) and they couldnā€™t be more diverse ā€¦so what formula?

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


Yes, I hate to have to choose between performance and fidelity so this is right up my alley. Also had a great experience with Ps4 Pro last gen.
It seems like everyone is finding it mad expensive so I think I could get one at launch this time? took me 2 months to get a ps5 at normal price.

Re: PlayStation's Domination of Europe Set to Continue with Renewed Champions League Sponsor


@NoHope to be honest Nintendo home consoles were never extremely popular in Europe from before PlayStation was even a thing, with Segaā€™s Master System and Megadrive ending up being popular choices in the 8-bit and 16-bit era. Gameboy was a smash hit and Wii and Switch have been solid but as mentioned by @ChrisDeku ps4 sold way more and I fully expect PS5 to outsell Switch by the end of its life cycle.

Re: Talking Point: What's Your PS5 Game of the Year for 2024 So Far?


1. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. It's everything I hoped it would be and more. One of the greatest JRPGs I played, so much more interesting than the beloved original game..
2. Stellar Blade. Itā€™s so much my thing i sometimes think my mind manifested the game. In a year without FF7R would have easily been my pick.
3. Balatro. So addicting and well designed! Took control of my mind for one month.

I really thought Dragon's Dogma 2 would be on this list as I have been waiting for years for it, having immensely loved the original game. I enjoyed DD2 but it was nothing close to the mind-blowing experience that, at times, the first Dragon Dogma had been for me.

Re: Final Fantasy Creator Finished with the Series, Sees Himself as a Player


I am not surprised but it was a pipe dream of mine to see him return for one chapter, it would have been cool. Itā€™s pretty neat he still lays and enjoys the series and he is way less conservative and mind-caged than some FF fans.

Sad that Lost Odyssey is not being considered for modern platformsā€¦Blue dragon, no thank you šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ˜…

Re: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (PS5) - Familiar FromSoftware Brilliance


I donā€™t want to be perceived as overly critical but for me ā€œmore of the sameā€ doesnā€™t really apply to DLCs the same way it does to sequels. We are buying it because we want more of the sameā€¦ I was perfectly satisfied with FF16 dlc and it was precisely more of the same, and Iā€™d gladly buy more of Stellar Blade if I could.

Re: Sony Game LEGO Horizon Adventures Reveals Footage in Nintendo Direct


@Ralizah Eh, I mean ā€¦a couple of samey Nintendo mid/low tier projects that have yet the same tone and characters. I honestly would give Ballad of Antara a try over them anytime if I had gaming time to spare šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

Excited for Metroid, itā€™s good to see the project is alive and I hope they are planning to release it on the Switch successor as well

Re: Final Fantasy 9 Remake Is Almost Certainly Real as Another Database Leak Appears


Sadly it wonā€™t probably be nearly as ambitious as VII remake project and more just like a cosmetic update ā€¦ and people will praise it like itā€™s a good thing because they actually want to play the same game over and over again. But hey, surprise me.
The original is fabulously charming but too conservative gameplay-wise compared to other installments for me so it ranks as one of my least favorite games in the seriesā€¦

Re: HoYoverse's Bid for World Domination Could Include Anime Crossing on PS5


Nintendo games, generally, arenā€™t my cup of tea, aside the occasional outstanding gem they put out every 10 years or so.
But there is something about seeing young girls playing Animal Crossingā€¦ that really makes me want to call social services, and lecture them about staying in school and develop a personality.

Re: Street Fighter 6 Locks Fists with Fatal Fury in New PS5, PS4 DLC


Iā€™d generally be rubbed the wrong way by
guest characters but Mai and Terry fit so well! And weā€™ll get to see them in the RE engine. Elena is one of my fave SF3 additionā€¦the new body Bison lacks the iconic design of the dictator and he could have stayed dead for longer

Re: Astro Bot Looks Absolutely Glorious, Lands on PS5 This September


This is the most hyped I have ever been about a PlayStation Studios game! I hope it's as good as it looks and as fun as the PS5 pack in! The cameos looked amazing!
And wash your mouth before badmouthing 2024 as it got me Rebirth, Stellar Blade (just got the plat!) and now this!